unexpected things 😲

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Part~ 4

You were sleeping but you felt something your lower part.. you woke up and look down you so tae is still under you .. you shouted his name..

Yn : taehyung!!!!!! Yahh kim Taehyung!!!!!
Taehyung : umm what ??why are you shouting huh ?? Do you want more round ?? 😏 ( Smrik)
Yn : umm nothing look down you-- you are still under me.. please pull it down...
Taehyung : ohh let me pull it ba-- wait let me go one more round..
Yn : what !!!! No never i will never let you do ...
Taehyung : please yniiee please...
Yn : No ... Let me look the time ....umm where is my phone.. ohh God it's already morning 🌄... Let me go i want to cook ..
Taehyung : yniiee.. please don't say no please let me make love with you one more time...
Yn : No i said no... Let me go

~ Then you stood up from the bed.. and went to the bathroom..but suddenly tae held your waist..~

Yn : Now what??
Taehyung : Okay fine i will not ask again but will you allow me to bath with you... please 🥺
Yn : Huh ?? How can you ask this ?? Do you forgot your promise huh??
Taehyung : hmm okay fine go
( He said with a sad pout )
Yn : Aish i said you many times don't show your cuteness to me ... it's melting me..
Taehyung : Then can I come ??
Yn : Kim Taehyung!!!!!!
Taehyung : okay okay iam going..
(He said while running out from the room )

Yn pov
Aish i fell for his this cuteness not to his money and publicity... Thankgod thankyou so much..

Time skip...
~ you are in the kitchen and cooking something but you felt a hand in your waist and it's taehyung ... You turned back ...~

Yn : what tae what do you want??
Taehyung : .........
Yn : umm what did you want to eat something??
Taehyung : yeah i want ...
Yn : okay i will cool your fav dish ..
Taehyung : you don't need to cook it is already cooked
Yn : what you mean??
Taehyung : it's you that I want to eat .. can I
Yn : (gulp) tae.. it's no--t our bedroom..
Taehyung : then come we can go to bedroom..
( Then he try drag you but he stunned by a hit )
Jungkook : you bratt are you forcing my noona leave her now .. i know you already broke your promise and. You are forcing her..
Taehyung : No kookie iam not plss trust me ..
Jungkook : whatever..come with me ...
( Then he drag tae from there ... You chuckled and went back to your work ... But suddenly jimin and Jennie came )
Jimin : ynaaa ..
Yn : yes jiminaa
Jimin : how can you walk ??
Yn : what ??
Jimin : nothing... I just wondering how can you walk after yesterday's night .....
Yn : jiminaaa ...... ( Shouted )
Jimin : okay fine iam going...
( Then he went from there ... And Jennie came to you at the same time jisoo and your other frnds came to there ..and they started to tease you ...)
Yn : yahhhhh!!!!!! Stob it !!!! Guys ...it seems iam the only one who lost the virginity you guys also lost that right...??? Then don't tease me ... Okay...


.......Author pov......

Many months later now your relationship is going to 2 years ... But this is very secret as they wanted to introduce you to whole world...6 months before you finished your graduation... And you know that tae was waiting for it.... After your graduation you guys are like married couples and you two have physical contact also...

........End of An pov.....

One evening

You and Jung kook are sitting and enjoying the movie... . The other members went to their friends house and your friends went for shopping but you didn't join because you don't interested.. so jungkook stay there for you...
you went kitchen for took something to eat..You went to kitchen but you feel so dizzy and you faint down... So many time passed but you won't return... Make they confused...
Then jungkook came to the kitchen to check ..and he shocked when he saw you fainted ... Then he took you the hospital ...
And he called them ...

Doctor : Are you her husband?
Jungkook : No
Doctor : Then who you are to her .. ?? Wait you look so familiar... Are you jungkook from BTS...
Jungkook : ( smiled ) yes ... Iam her brother what happened to her.... Is she alright...
Doctor : yeah she is but is she married?
Jung kook : what's the matter?? She is not married
Doctor : she is pregnant now 3 months...
But there is a bad news also ...
Jungkook : what was that ..??
Doctor : tell her boyfriend to see me
Jungkook : okay....
( Then tae came )
Taehyung : what happened kookie is she is alright??
Jung kook : yes umm she is pregnant 3 months...
Taehyung : what ?? Really..? You are not kidding right..
Jung kook : no iam serious..but doctor said you to go te see her...
Taehyung : hmm okay...

Tae pov ...
I went to the doctor's cabin and saw yn was sitting there.... At first i thought to hug her kiss her but ... U stunned by a thought that I can't be a father untill our disband .. i came back to my sense ... When I hear doctor's voice...
End of tae pov......

Doctor : com'on Mr Kim so you are her boyfriend right ....let me come to the point ..... Your girlfriend is pregnant but you can't proceed this pregnancy as yn's health was completely weak if she give birth to a baby it will dangerous to her life... And you two are not married till now.. so it's illegal giving birth to a baby without marrying..... And as I know you can't get marry a girl until your band disband am i right??
Taehyung : yes doctor you are right.. i can't get married now
Doctor : So better you have to abote this baby..
Taehyung : But doctor how it's happened as we only make love for once
Doctor : That's enough... Did you use protection before doing it ??
Taehyung : Umm no i forgot it ...
Doctor : Anyway leave it...
Taehyung : Doctor did you inform this to yn ??
Doctor : yes she is also agree with this ... She is the one who told me about the abotion..

Time skip
•At Night•
Yn : tae i want to tell you something .
Taehyung : hahha tell
Yn : umm it's doctor said that we can stop the pregnancy temporarily....
Taehyung :what about you yn .. do you agree with it ??
Yn : yes .. i just don't want to loose another baby..
Taehyung : yn iam sorry 😔 it's my fault i didn't use the protection correctly.. that's why we loose our baby
Yn : hmm it's okay tae .. this is not our fault..

Yn pov..
I behave like i don't have any problem for losing my baby....but i have to behave like that.. if i also behave like that it will hurt tae... I don't want that happened.. but ...but i loose my baby..

End of yn pov..

Part 4 End...


Hope you enjoy this story...

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