way to marriage

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Part ~ 4

One week later..
I am still in the pain.. this make all others also upset...

All are enjoying the tv show expect me ..... All others noticed this..

Jung kook : Noona..Noona
Yn : No response
Jungkook : yahh kang yn !!!!!!!
Yn : umm 😳 yeah..
Jung kook : Can you bring something to drink??
Yn : Mm...

~Then you go to kitchen to bring something but they all are upset .. every one came to you talk to you and convince you but you won't get over from the pain .. and now only kookie left .. ~

Taehyung : kookie what we do now.. ? She didn't recover from that ...
Jung kook : yes.. but what can I do ..??
Jimin : only you can do anything.. she will hear your words..
Jin : yes .. jungkookiee plzz go to her and talk plzzz
Jisoo : yeah .. kook you can do it ..plzz
Jung kook : hmm let me try ..

~Then he went to kitchen and saw you standing on the kitchen corner and touching your tummy while crying.... At the same time they all went to kitchen and hide there ....
Jungkook came to you and called you but you didn't heard it.. then he hold your hand which was holding your tummy ..you stunned 😳 and looked to him.. then you immediately turned around to hide your tears ~

Yn : Umm what oppa ??
Jungkook : what are you doing here ?? Why  you took so long ??
Yn : Nothing.. i just ..
( He turned you and saw your teary eyes...)
Jungkook : Noona Are you okay??
Yn : yeh iam ..
Jung kook : tell me noona i know you are not..iam asking to you. Are you okay??
( Suddenly you hugged him make him and others shook .. you hugged him while crying 😭)
Yn : Oppa ..my .. my baby.. i can't loose my ..ba..by..
Jung kook : Noona i know your pain .. but we have to look every side before taking a big decision....Noona listen .. look at you you are so young and you are not mentaly and physically prepared to give birth to an baby so it's better to abote the baby...

( Then he makes you happy like before makes others also happy.... While talking Jung kook held your face and kissed your forehead...At the same time jimin and Suga covered taehyung's and jisoo's eyes)

Jimin : come lets go...

(He led them to the living room...)

Taehyung , Jisoo : yahhhh jimishiiiiiii!!!!
Jimin : why you guys are shouting huh??
Jisoo : why you close our eyes 👀 ??
Jimin : I did it because i don't want you two feel jealous and sad 😢
Taehyung : Sad ?? Jealous??😂😂 Are you out of your mind ?? You punk...
Jimin : huh ??? What you mean??
Taehyung : hey stupid boy he is her brother and she is his sister.. and there is no reason to feel jealous and sad .. understand??
Jisoo : yes .. do you think we feel jealous and sad when we saw that scene... No way man...
Jimin : Hmm
Taehyung : And you know one thing i know that she loves Jung kook more than me... more than her boyfriend.


An pov

After BTS disband ...

Actually both of your parents aren't know the relation of you .  Tae didn't say to his parents because they are very strict..

One morning 🌄

You were coming out from the bathroom suddenly tae hugged and kissed you , you respond to his kiss . But you don't know that the door was'nt closed .. suddenly you two seperated by someone. You both looked at the direction and saw jungkook. Tae look at him with a death glare..

Taehyung : JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!
jungkook : hyung 
Taehyung : what do you want ? I will kill you punk .. how dare you to separate us . You are always came to disturb us..

( jungkook covered his mouth with his hand .. )

Jungkook : frst hear what i want to say.. you parents are in downstairs
Taehyung : what ? Why they are here ?
Jungkook : i don't know .. come with me
Taehyung : but what about yn ? What we do ?
Jungkook : umm there is a secret way to living room right .. noona wear some impressing dress and come down to the secret way okay ?
Yn : yeah ..

(  they went to his parents and you sighed and go to your closet to wear some clothes you find out an simple black colour gown ...
At the same...

In the living room

Taehyung : mom dad why are you here ?
Mom : why can't we come to see our son....
Don't you know how long we waiting for you to come... Why you taking so long to come ..
Dad : yes did you forget about us ?
Taehyung : what's this dad how can I forget you .. i just wonder that's all

( While all this time tae was glaring at to the door and jungkook.. )

Mom : btw we came to tell that we decided your marriage...
Taehyung : WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mom : don't shout you little punk ..
Taehyung : then what are speaking.. ( he asked in low tone )
Dad : we decided your marriage that's it
Taehyung : with whom ?
Dad : my business partners and our best friends daughter..
Taehyung : it's not fair dad .. how can I marry someone who i didn't know yet ..?
Mom : you don't need see her .  She is very pretty and kind , she has a good heart ..
Taehyung : but mom...
Mom : there is no but .. go and pack your things you are moving to our house... And son's you also came with us ..
Jin : yeah mom ..but not now . We will came ..
Mom ... I have something to tell you both  Mom : yeah tell me
Jin : mom frst we have to know tae's decision. He is the one getting married.. so his consent is important
Dad : we know it .. but we have look his future.. she is prefectly match him ..
Mom : yes .. and he didn't have any relation till now . Am i right tae ?
Taehyung :   ( Looked down )no
Mom : then go and pack

Tae pov

No i can't.. i can't leave yn .. God plzz help me .. what if she knew it...but i can't deny my mom and dad .. god .... Why this always happens to me .. why i have been losting her again and again.. At frst i lost her but i make her mine now i will lose her again...
I was busy in thoughts but suddenly i heard some foot steps i looked and saw yn she is gorgeous in that dress .. she looked at home .. bu i can't look at her eyes.. i keep my down .

End of tae pov

Mom : who is this girl taehyung ?
Taehyung : umm it's .. it's
Jungkook : it's my sister mom
Dad : sister ? But you don't have any sister right ?
Jungkook : I adopted her..
Mom : ohh .. when it was  happened ?
Jungkook : few months ago. .
Mom : umm yeah .. come here girl ... Let me ask
( You went to them and bowed... )
Mom : what is your name?
Yn : iam. . iam yn
Mom : nice name .. you look so pretty..

( You go back to jungkook.. )

Dad : is she is staying here ?
Jungkook : yes dad she is ..

( You looked at taehyung but he very sad and keeping his head down... You looked to others they are also sad and they don't have courage to look at your eyes . )

Yn : i will get something to drink mam , dad

( You went to kitchen and took some drink and some snacks and came to living room . You are very curious about what happened to all , no one saying the truth to you )

Mom : yn you didn't know that why we are here , right ? You must know it because you are kookie ' s sister .. Umm yn taehyung is getting married..
Yn : ..............
Mom : yes he is marrying our family frnds daughter.. it will make our two companies will grow up ...
Yn : umm just a minute..

( You leave there and went to your room .  Taehyung looked at jungkook and jimin . They went to you . )

Jungkook : noona..
Yn : umm Yeah ( you smiled while hiding your tears )
Jimin : yniee . We know you are sad but don't act like you don't care .
Yn :.......
Jungkook : noona it's okay . Everything will be fine .
Yn ; what you mean by  " every thing will be fine ' ? The fact is tae is going to  getting married .
Jimin : yes that  is fact but not possible..
Yn : Are you sure jiminshi ?
Jimin : yniee do you think he will leave you. He will not .. he will convince his parents

𝚃𝚘 𝙱𝚎 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍  ......

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