Checking In

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Apple_woman: (Nah, I can't keep writing in 3rd person. It's too difficult for me. So, Y/n Pov here we go!)

      I look around our new surroundings, Ben is the first to get out, and I trail behind him, I look back to Sam and Cass who are still shaking in their boots in the elevator. Sam's mouth moves, and nothing but fearful stuttering comes out until Cass speaks more angry than afraid.

     "What...What the FUCK was THAT?!" Cass says walking out to me and Ben, Ben was inspecting the room around us. It looked like a normal, yet old 1900s hotel, although there were mysterious suitcases scattered over a bellboy chariot. I wonder what's inside...

     "Are we stuck here now?! That thing that was coming out of the walls?? It's EYES?! Why...WHO?!" Cass yelled again, "What is WRONG with this place?! WHY THE HELL did we come here in the first place?!" Cass walked over to Ben who was looking at the feather and paper, I'm guessing that was the guest list. I looked over to Sam who was trying to get up when the elevator shook.

     "Are...we gonna die here?" Sam said weakly, Ben just looked over to Sam and sighed, "I can't believe this..." Sam responded getting up with the help of the elevator's railing. "We're all gonna die here, in this stingy, old hotel! All  because of you!" Sam pointed to Ben, his face going red because of the anger until his finger jabbed at Ben's chest.

      "I'm sorry okay! I had no idea it was even real! I thought it was just some dumb high school myth!" Ben waved his hands in defense, I only watched as the two argued. Cass looked at Ben, crossing her arms, while being at Sam's side.

     I just sigh, it wasn't like this before this hotel... (For the most part), is this what this thing is about? Causing conflicts between close friend groups? (Cass being an exception for me of course). I look around the reception area, the desk was blocked off by a bellboy chariot which I crouch under, I was about to look through the desk to see if there was anything important until I heard my name being called.

      "Y/n! Please, help me out here," Ben said looking in my direction, "You gotta believe me right?"

     "Ugh! Whatever, Ben. You sack of shit! I'm just gonna call for help on my phone..." Cass took out her phone and swore some more, "My phone won't let me call anyone!" Cass sighed again.

     "L-Let me try." Ben took out his own phone while Sam did the same. I also pulled out my phone, the screen was all static-y but I could open my phone with the password. I could do everything I could usually do on my phone, open apps and stuff; I just couldn't open the messaging app (Or any texting app in fact) or call anyone. When I tried to call, it would kick me out of the calling app...s.

     "We really are stuck in here!" Sam said. 

     I open the desk's drawers to find a few coins, (Cool, money!) and pencils (Why...?) I beckon the three to come over, Sam goes around the counter and under the bellboy luggage cart, but Cass doesn't and waits outside the counter. Ben tries to open the suitcases outside the reception counter but to the looks of it, fails.

     "Look, a key!" Sam says as he reaches me, I hadn't noticed but there was a key rack behind me! There weren't any other keys except the one that Sam found. I stuff the money in my pant pockets, hopefully, we can find a bag or something like that just in case we find more useful items, and hopefully there ARE useful items, since Ben did say something about there being monsters here in this hotel.
     "Good catch, Sam," I say heading back to the door. It had a 000 carved onto its wooden...plating? Whatever-...Sam unlocked the door and we all stepped through, it had green carpeting, a few paintings spewed around the walls and oddly enough there was a closet on one of the walls.

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