Moving out

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Edric pov.

"By everyone I'm off!" I yelled up the stairs one foot out the door. I turned to be met by my twin sister, kid sis, and father.

"Bye bro," Em my twin said playfully punching my arm.

I chuckled at her action and then looked to my little sister.

"Bye Mittens," I said smiling at her.

"Bye Ed, we'll miss you!" Amity said giving me a slight hug.

Amity didn't like showing her emotions but I took what I got, which was more then usual.

"Bye dad," I said looking up to my father.

Dad was basically always tired, yet he made enough time for us, unlike mother.

"Goodbye Ed, and good luck, I expect great things from you." Dad said giving me a warm smile and a hug.

I hugged back a little tight, we don't really get to be a regular father and son because of my mother... Odalia.

"Ah good your packed, now get going, I won't be known as a mother of a tardy student." Odalia said walking up to us.

"Oh ya, well b-" I was interrupted by Odalia.

"Yes yes, shoo." Odalia said basically shoving me out the door.

I hung my head a little, feeling slightly hurt by my own mother, but I didn't let thet stop me. I help my head high with a determined grin and began my walk to Hexide College.

-30 minutes later-

I came to a tall building with windows up the walls, big red doors, and griffin statues for decoration, though I'm not sure if theyr actually statues, or theyr waiting to wake up at night. I shrugged my thoughts off and made my way up the... Long, staircase into the school, passing fellow students.

I saw an old friend, Viney, who was talking to a tall guy, I don't know him but he was skinny and had brown hair.

"Hey Viney," I said waving at my friend.

Viney spun around looking like she didn't actually know it was actually me who said hi.

"ED! How ya been?" She exclaimed giving me a hug.

"I've been ok, who's this?" I asked looking to the guy who was standing with Viney.

"Oh ya, this is Jerbo, es and old friend of mine, unfortunately he has to go away for a bit so you two never got to meet." Viney said.

"Oh well that's a shame, nice to meet ya!" I said extending my hand offering Jerbo a handshake.

"Right back at you." Jerbo said shaking my hand.

"So uh... How's uhm, how's Em?" Viney asked.

Viney brushes back her hair behind her ear, and it wasn't easy to see, but I recognized her iconic blush.

"Oooh, ya she's ok, why do you ask?" I asked giving a nosey smirk and grin.

"Oh uhhh... N-No reason, just curious." Viney said.

"Oh but not curious enough to ask about dad, or Amity, whyyy just Em?" I teased.

"I... Uhh.." Viney said trying to make sense of her words.

"Wait Em, isn't that the girl you go on abo-" Jerbo was cut off by Viney.

Viney reached her hand up and covered Jerbo's mouth without looking away from me. Though he's a bit taller then the rest of us, and to be honest Viney never really got that tall anyway.

Jerbo looked at Viney with a confused face.


Viney came up with an excuse really quick, she always had a way to hide her crushes, even though everyone already knew anyway.

"Uh huh... Well anyway, can either of you show me to the office? I need to get my dorm number." I said.

"Oh ya, I'll show you the way." Jerbo said.

"Alright you two go on and find that office, I'ma go to the bathroom." Viney said.

~Ya to hide your simping.~ I thought.

"So how long have you known Viney?" I asked looking up at Jerbo as we walked.

"Uhm... I'd say around, buh buh buh buh... Ever sense the third grade I think." Jerbo said.

"Really, well that sucks we didn't get to know each other up until now." I said.

"Ya, how bout you?" Jerbo asked.

"Uhh, around the fifth grade I'd say." I said.

"Oof, two years off." Jerbo said jokingly.

"Hehe, ya," I said.

Jerbo led me to a office with a big window letting m see a man inside who I'm guessing was the principal. I thanked Jerbo for the help, then walked in an leaned on the desk.

"Hey, so I'm new, can you help me with what room I'm in?" I asked.

"Of course young man, let's see, name?" He asked.

The man had a little red demon covering most of his head and face, and a long black and blue robe.

"Edric Blight, but you can call me Ed." I said.

"Alright..." He said checking a computer.

"Your in room one sixty, and you'll have a roommate." He said.

"Oh a roommate, who is it?" I asked.

Uhhh... One, Hunter Wittebane, he's new just like you." He said.

"Hmm... Ok thank you." I said.

~Oh Titan a roommate! Nooooo! This is gonna suck, I'll have to deal with some random guy I don't know...~ I thought.

"No problem at all, Ed, oh and I'm your principal, principal Bump." Bump said.

"Alright, nice to meet you, and thanks again." I said while shaking his hand.

"You to, now you best be off, best be unpacked for tomorrow." Bump said.

"Ok, see ya Bumpy." I said giving finger guns on my way out.

"Never call me that again." Bump said while waving me off.

"Eh, I'll figure out a name for him eventually." I said.

I made my way to the dorms, it was only a five minute walk from the main school.

"Alright... One forty, one fifty, ah one sixty!" I said rushing into my room.

I walked in, surprised to see a big open room, I guess my mother comes in handy when it comes to real estate.

"Aaaaah... Finally, I can be me!" I said.

I sat on the bed looking around to see a table, chair, couch, window, kitchen, a tv, a closet, and a door.

"Hmm, what's this?" I said.

I got up and opened the door revealing another room with everything this one had.

"Oh great... Now I'll have to fight for one of these with whoever Hunter is..." I said.

I walked back and forth from each room trying to decide which I wanted.

"Uuuugh, ok ok, hmm, this one has the kitchen... But that one has a mini fridge, but if someone breaks in the guy who sleeps in that room will get murdered first..." I said scratching my chin.

"Alright, I'll take the back one!" I said.

But as soon as I made my choice and was ready to start moving in, the door flew open, I spun around on one heel to see my new roomie.

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