Thinking of You

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♥♥♥My Best Frenemy Forever♥♥♥


I walk down the street, hands shoved deep in my pockets. I could drive, but I really don't feel like it. I'm in town, peering into each shop window. Just searching for the perfect Christmas present. I see many things but none catch my eye. I can't decide what I want to get her and that's when I see it. In the shop window. It lays on a piece of soft velvet. It's face pale in contrast to the dark fabric. I stare, captivated by how much she would like it. It's a locket with an inscription on the front. 'Plus que ma propre vie' . I walked through the door, ignoring the ring of the bell.

"Would you like help finding anything?" the store clerk asks from behind the counter.

"Yes, please." I say, walking over to her.

"What would you like?" she inquires.

"What does that mean?" I ask, pointing to the locket.

"Oh, that old thing. It really is a gorgeous locket. Plus que ma propre vie means 'More than my own life'." she tells me, pushing her glasses up her nose a little.

"How much would you like for it?"

"It's a bit expensive, I'm afraid. 150 dollars for it." she says apologetically. I think she sees the surprise on my face. I don't have that kind of money. My mom wouldn't ever give me that much. How was I going to get this for Alison if I didn't have money? I try to think of anything I could do. That's when I think of my father's old watch. One of the few things I have left of him. My mom didn't know I had it. It was one of the things she didn't know about. If she did, I wouldn't have it anymore.

"Are you up for a trade?" I ask. She peers at me inquisitively over her glasses.

"Perhaps. If you have something worth while." she shrugs her shoulders.

"Can you take the locket off display until I come back? I don't want someone to take it." she picks up the necklace gingerly and sets it in a velvet box off to the side.

"I'll give you twenty four hours to get back here with whatever you want to trade."

"You got it." I say, running out of the shop. I feel like I'm flying as all the houses rush past me and the cold wind hits my face. I take the steps two at a time and throw my drawer open, ruffling things around until I find it's gold face.

I run back down the stairs and swing open the door when I hear a voice from behind me. "Where do you think you're going?"

I turn back around slowly, slipping the watch into my pocket so she doesn't see it. "I'm going to Alison's house." I lie.

She cocks her head to the side, placing a hand on her hip. "That girl that lives a few blocks away?"

"Yes. You took me to one of her birthday parties when we were little." I remind her.

"You like her; don't you?" my mom says. The way she says it sounds like an accusation.

"She's my best friend. Of course I like her." I feign ignorance.

"I meant the other way. You think you're in love with her. I can see it when you say her name."

"So what if I do?" I challenge her. The minutes tick sluggishly by.

"I bet she doesn't love you back." my mom says carelessly.

"You don't know that." I say through gritted teeth.

"Hit a nerve? How many times has she rejected you so far?" I close my eyes as she asks these questions. I can't afford to get caught.

"Many times, huh? Love is a tricky thing. They send you mixed signals. They pretend to care. But then something better comes along and," she snaps her finger. "they're gone." she says.

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