Chapter 17:I'm Here

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The day was awful and the sky teased a tornado all day long. These recent years tornado warnings and sirens haven't been a rare occurrence in the days that made up the month of April. I was glad that warning on our phones were a thing but the sound it made almost sent me into instant death.

Roseanne had gone home yesterday and was supposed to be coming in today but at this point, I preferred for her to stay home to keep herself safe. Still, she somehow managed to text me that she was already on the way.

The water droplets were heavy as they hit the windows and I'm sure it had to do with those 90mph winds the warning was talking about. Thunder cracked fiercely as it flashed through every window that faced my backyard.

Luckily my companion Hank was here although I had to do some research on how to comfort a dog because he wasn't having a blast. Neither was I; with the overwhelming sounds and the fact that Roseanne was out there, I just couldn't sit still.

Meanwhile, I gave Hank a calming treat and made s'mores for myself with the luxury of my stove. I was too impatient when it came to hovering the fluffy white sugary snack until it turned golden brown that I placed it too close to the flame and it ended up looking like a piece of coal. I snapped a picture of my creation deciding to post it on my Instagram story captioning it, "gourmet coal." With the emoji that has fog covering everything but the eyes. I think it fits at the moment and is cute even if I have no idea what the true purpose of the emoji was.

My friends joked for the longest and called me out that I "gourmetified" every food and it's not that I purposely did it I just preferred foods to have more taste and love put into them. Like pancakes, why eat regular pancakes when you can make them prettier and taste like lemons?

Jisoo replied to my story right away, "ㅋㅋㅋthe use of emoji." My eyebrows frowned in confusion trying to figure out what the Korean character meant.

I messaged back, "Still figuring them out." Gosh, I sound old.

So I messaged my younger brother next asking him what the proper use of that emoji was to which he explained that it can be used when posting a shower picture with a foggy mirror, but I was against posting nude photos to the public so I still didn't understand why they would add such emoji. He also explained that it can be used when I was trying to be mysterious. I sighed and decided to just stay away from emojis for a while, they weren't good for my mental health.

Apparently, Hank knew that his Mom was home before she could even open the door rushing in with multiple huge black bags that were like cases. She immediately closed the door, removed her shoes, and with shaky legs walked into the warmth of my home drenched from head to toe.

I rushed to her side and immediately led her to the bedroom to change her clothes and handed her a blanket before her body reacted to the dumb decision of coming over in the form of a cold.

"You should've stayed at yours baby, what if the wind took you or something happened." She snickered as she stared at me.

"Good thing I'm not your height then, I would've been taken like a ball of tissue." I smacked her arm playfully.

"I'm going to make some tea, come down when you're ready." And apparently, she was ready since she immediately followed me with the blanket wrapped around her thin frame. She looked like she already had a cold—although impossible—the dome of her nose was a soft red.

While the kettle did its magic I pondered asking the girl what the backward F's meant in Jisoo's text and what was wrong with the emoji. According to everyone else I used it wrong but I think it was perfect. Plus I do think I was a little mysterious.

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