Chapter 4

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"Here." Jenna handed him Jaydar's note. 

Torin took it and read it with Kalani peering over his shoulder.

Gone to the summer palace. Need some time alone. Don't worry about me.

I will return in a few days.


Torin ran a hand through his hair. "What's gotten into Jaydar? I thought he was fine. What happened?"

Kalani shook her head. "I don't know. Maybe he just needs some time alone?"

Torin wasn't really listening. "Do you think it could be something to do with the battle with the Erifs? Maybe it was too much for Jaydar to handle." Torin shook his head. "But I don't think so. He seemed fine right after. And we've both been training for this our whole lives."

Kalani put a hand on Torin's shoulder. "I'm sure he's fine. He probably just needs a break from all this. We'll see him in a few days anyway and then we'll know." She skipped out of the dining hall as merry as ever.

Torin looked to Jenna. "Do you know why Jaydar left?"

Jenna stood up and walked to the door.

"No I don't," she said, rather abruptly before leaving.

Torin sat alone in the dining hall. He finished his breakfast before leaving. He walked to his quarters and quickly packed a bag, which he carried with him when he went to visit Xenon.

Torin knocked on the door of his father's study.

"Come in," Xenon called.

Torin opened the door and walked in. He took a seat in a large leather chair before Xenon's desk. 

Xenon looked up from the papers he was reading, taking in his son's expectant look. He put down his pen.

"What is on your mind, my son?" 

Torin leaned forward in his chair. "Did you know Jaydar has gone to the summer palace?"

"No, I didn't," Xenon said and looked away.

"Do you know what's wrong? Is it something to do with the Erifs?" Torin asked.

Xenon avoided Torin's eyes. "I'm sure your brother just needs to be alone for a while. To get his thoughts straight."

Torin gave his father a puzzled look. "Get his thoughts straight about what?"

Xenon hesitated. "About his future responsibilities. After our recent clash with the Erifs, the first since the end of the Great War almost fifteen years ago, Jaydar must be worried about what Latainia's future may hold. We could be on the verge of another war with the Erifs."

Torin frowned. "But why would Jaydar be so worried? He's never really cared all that much before because I'm going to be king not him, so wouldn't those responsibilities be left to me?"

It was true. Jaydar had always been more than happy to leave all the kingly responsibilities to Torin. He was more concerned about his future with Daye.

"Yes you are quite right they will be. And you should be thinking about them. But Jaydar will be your most trusted advisor to help you through all this." Xenon smiled. "He always was the more level headed of the two of you and you will need his cool head to help you in the future."

"I know. But what does that have to do with right now? With Jaydar suddenly running off?"

"Just leave him, Torin. He just needs some time to think. He'll be back soon and you can ask him then."  

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