Chapter 11

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Izuku's P.O.V
We just finished getting dressed, and I just knocked on the door "Izumi are you ready?" I asked but no answer and I couldn't hear anyone but I knocked again "Izumi are you okay?" I asked but there's no sound so I opened the door and I looked around but there's no one and the windows open so I ran over to the window I looked up left right and down but I couldn't see or hear her after I had past back and forth Shoto and Katsuki walks in "what's wrong Izuku? Where's Izumi?" Shoto said,"I don't know. " I said Shoto looked confused. "That was for the second question, and I gave you an answer for the first," I said "okay then she could be in the castle she doesn't like highs so she wouldn't have jumped out of the window" Katsuki said "well yeah but that's going to take so long just to find her" I said getting even more worried "okay even though that's ture there's at least over 4,320 guards in and outside this castle so we'll find her" Shoto said but then I could hear three people walking up the hallway I walked out the room and into the hallway on the left I see Izumi, Kirishima and Ryuko I walked up to Izumi and hugged her "huh w-what's this for?" Izumi asked. "You disappeared, what do you think?" I asked "that you were worried and missed me" Izumi said hugging me back "yes most definitely" I said I let go and looked at Ryuko "hi there trouble maker" I said "hi there brother-in-law" Ryuko said "hey Shoto and Katsuki go get our mothers we're going to have a family breakfast" I said but then Izumi held my hand I looked at her and she's shaking her head no "actually just Rei for now" I said "huh why?" Katsuki asked "because Izumi isn't used to them yet and Rei is the most calm out of all our mothers except my mother she doesn't count in this situation since she's a werewolf" I said "yeah okay I can understand that" Katsuki said Shoto walked over to were all of our mothers are knocked and walked inside there was some words here and there but Shoto had came out with only Rei when they got close enough "hello Rei thank you for joining us" I said "yes and thank you for inviting me but may I ask why the others couldn't come aswell?" Rei asked "oh umm" I said I looked at Izumi she looked at me and nodded "it's because Izumi is scared of humans she only just got used to them today so-" I was interrupted by Izumi who pulled me down and whispered in my ear "and I was just told that she doesn't like crowds so I thought that maybe one on five time would be good and I also thought that you would be the best choice" I said "hmm I get it and it's nice to meet you again Izumi and even though humans did something bad to you in the past I hope you can trust and be friends to each other" Rei said I looked at Izumi "y-yeah me to" Izumi said "Ko go and have breakfast with the other mum's" Kirishima said "but I want to get to know Izumi aswell" Ryuko said I then saw Izumi tap Kirishima on the arm "huh yes Izumi?" Kirishima asked "can Ryuko also join us please?" Izumi asked "well okay since you want Ryuko to join us then okay then" Kirishima said "yay!" Ryuko and Izumi said then Ryuko grabbed Izumi's arm and the both of them then ran down the hallway giggling "hey wait up you two" I said running after them once I court up to them we where in the dinning room I sat down on the forth chair on the right side from the other end then Izumi sat down next to me on my right and then Ryuko sat down next to Izumi then after a few minutes Shoto, Rei, Katsuki and Kirishima walked inside and in that order sat in front of us we ordered our food and now we are all talking to each other until Ryuko said something that court everyones attention "do you know magic Izumi?" Ryuko asked "u-umm a little bit" Izumi said "wait that was your magic?" Kirishima asked "u-umm yes" Izumi said "so your part witch?" Rei asked "u-umm y-yes" Izumi said getting scared and worried "i-is that bad?" Izumi asked "what? No of course not" Rei said "o-okay then" Izumi said then the food had arrived Izumi then took a deep breath, when the food was placed I looked at Izumi's plate it has chicken with garlet and butter stuffed inside and it's cut up in bite sizes I looked at Uraraka and nodded Izumi smiled and looked at me and mouthed thank you then I mouthed no problem, once everyone who wasn't eatting left we all started to eat when "wait a minute how did you know I was half not a full Witch?" Izumi asked "don't you remember Izuku said that when we had first met, you are a werewolf and a witch" Rei said "I don't remember but I guess that was because I had just woken up" Izumi said looking at me after "yeah I did say that you are a werewolf" I said "oh okay then sorry" Izumi said "it's okay Izumi" Rei said when everyone had finished eatting we had went for a walk Izumi had gotten com with Rei when we got back to the rooms Rei went to her shared bedroom Ryuko went to her own room Izumi went into her room but then popped her head out "do you four want to come inside?" Izumi asked "oh yeah okay we will come inside" Kirishima said then we all walked inside

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