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After school the next day, Yeji brought Ryujin to her house again, to see how her grandparents were doing.

"They've already settled things" Yeji's father informed them.

"Can we still be together?" Yeji asked.

"Yes, u can. Because technically she's not my birth mom" Her father replied. "I was adopted"

He could hear Yeji holding in her laugh.

"Yah!" Her father exclaimed. "Ur grandfather also mentioned something about Ryujin having a brother"

"Oh yeah, he said he was in a gang or something" Yeji said.

"Thing is, I don't remember having a brother" Ryujin butted in.

"Well, dad said he might be watching over Ryujin..." Mr. Hwang thought for awhile. "Then we'll just have to put Ryujin into a fake situation and see if he shows up!"

"But what situation?" Ryujin asked.


Ryujin was walking back home, when a man tackled her.

She tried getting out of the man's hold by kicking him, but no matter how hard she kicked, the man wouldn't budge.

'Damn, I feel like I'm actually gonna get kidnapped' she thought.

The man was practically dragging her towards the van they prepared, when someone punched the man.

'Poor man, honestly' Ryujin thought.

Ryujin grabbed the person's arm and twisted it behind his back.

The man then pressed the person on the floor.

"I didn't think it'd be this easy" Mr. Hwang said.

They put a cloth containing alcohol on the person's nose for him to pass out and took him back to their house.


A few minutes later, the boy awoke.

He got startled, seeing people he didn't know around him.

"W-where am I? Who are u?" He asked.

"Ah, you're finally awake, Shin" Yeji's grandfather said.

"How do u know my family name?!" He started getting scared. Usually he'd have someone to back him up, but this time, he was all alone.

"Unfortunately that's all I know about u" Yeji's grandfather said. "What's ur name, boy?"

"Why would I tell u?!" The boy exclaimed.

Yeji's grandfather sighed. "Go get Ryujin" he whispered to his son.

"With Yeji?" He asked.

"Sure" the older man replied.

A few moments later, Ryujin entered the room with Yeji behind her.

"Ryujin?! What are u-"

"Are u really my brother?" Ryujin asked.

"O-of course! Do u not remember me?" He asked.

"I would be asking u where u went if I did remember u" Ryujin sarcastically replied.

"She was like 5 when u left, for god's sake" Yeji's grandfather mumbled, making Ryujin hold her laugh.

"Ur grandfather was also deeply disappointed with u btw" he added.

"What's your name, 'brother'?" Ryujin asked.

"... Min Jun" he replied.

"Shin Min Jun? Not a bad name" Yeji's father commented.

"We don't know for sure he's her brother tho" Yeji said.

"Don't tell me we 'kidnapped' the wrong person" Ryujin commented.

"Well, mom has a picture of her brother when he was younger. Surely there'll be a resemblance" Yeji's father spoke up. "I'll go get her"

"This is gonna be so awkward" Ryujin whispered to Yeji.

"Ryujin?" Her brother called.

"Hm?" She hummed in reply.

"How are u doing in school?" He asked.

"Ok, I guess?" She replied.

"She sucks at English and Science" Yeji said.

"I'm trying ok?" Ryujin whined.

"U were literally sleeping in class"


"Aigoo, it's not good to sleep in class" Her brother teased.

"Yeah, like u even went to school" Ryujin rolled her eyes.

"U could be dead right now if I didn't do what I did" He said.

"Would death be better? Hmmm" Ryujin joked, making Yeji slap her arm.

'They're definitely a couple' Min Jun thought.

Yeji's grandfather was carefully watching their interaction, examining their faces as well, in the process.

'They definitely look alike' He thought. 'They even have the same attitude'

A few moments later, Yeji's father returned with his mother behind him.

She held up the photo and examined every detail of the boy's face. Then, she took a good look at Min Jun.

"You've grown up a lot" She said.

"So it's him?" Yeji asked.

"I believe so" Her grandmother replied.

"Do u wanna do a DNA test to be sure?" Her father asked Ryujin.

Ryujin's eyes widened. "We don't have to go THAT far"

"We should" Yeji's- or rather, Ryujin's grandmother said.

"Bu-" Ryujin was about to protest when she spoke up again.

"I wanna know if he's really my grandson" she said.

"Rich people, I swear" Ryujin mumbled, hand on her forehead.


A few days passed after that

Turns out, Min Jun was indeed Ryujin's brother.

During these few days, Yeji and Ryujin were slowly getting closer and closer to each other.

It made them think, were they still on the courting level?

They were damn close to popping the "what are we" question to each other.

All was going fine, until one day, Ryujin called Yeji, telling her something that she had never expected.

(Was gonna update yesterday but I didn't have time)

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