47 ver.2

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Opening their front door to an empty house was definitely something Yeji wasn't used to. Most of the times she would be greeted by her girlfriend either playing videogames in the living room or having dinner in the kitchen.

In contrast to most her days, the apartment was pitch dark. All that could be heard were noises from cars revving up their engines outside.

It wasn't a rare thing to find car races in this part of town. Hell, half of the people here would've been arrested if the police actually come by.

Flicking the lights on, Yeji dropped her backpack on the couch before searching the apartment for her girlfriend.

"Ryuddaeng?" She called out as she opened the door to their bedroom.

To her surprise, she found Ryujin crying while hugging her pillow.

"What's wrong, baby?" Yeji immediately asked, furrowing her eyebrows as she hugged the girl.

Running her hands through the younger's hair, she felt herself getting pulled further and tighter into the embrace, and all she could do was sit there and hug her until she calms down.

After a few minutes passed, Ryujin reluctantly pulled away from their shared embrace, looking down at the hem of her shirt, unable to look her girlfriend in the eyes.

"What's wrong?" Yeji asked again, tilting her girlfriend's head up by her chin to wipe her face with the sleeve of her sweater.

"M-my coach told me..." Ryujin started vaguely.

"What did she say, baby, hmm?" Yeji asked gently, examining her girlfriend's features.

"...that I'll be playing in the international tournament this August!" Ryujin jumped out of bed to a "surprise stance", she named.

"... This was a prank wasn't it?" Yeji asked, although the answer seemed obvious.

"Of course it was, why would I be crying over THAT? IM FUCKING ECSTATIC!"

"Shin Ryujin!" Yeji exclaimed as she slapped her girlfriend's arm.

"I'm sowry" Ryujin said as she hugged her girlfriend, covering her whole head.

Yeji tapped the girl's upper arm, needing to get a whiff of oxygen before she suffocated in her chest.

"I needa take a shower" Yeji's words were barely audible, suppressed by Ryujin's hug.

"What was that baby? I can't hear u" Ryujin teased, not intending to let go.

Their cute hugging session ended with a sensation of tickles and loud laughter, definitely bothering their neighbors, but they couldn't care less.



"What's wrong?" Yeji immediately turned her head towards the voice.

"Watch a movie with me" Ryujin said with a pout she knew Yeji couldn't resist.

"What movie?" Yeji asked, engrossed in her biology notes.

"Horror!" Ryujin exclaimed as she threw her arms in the air.

Yeji sent her a glare, "I have to study, Ryuddaeng"

"But tomorrow's Saturday and ur exam isn't for another 2 months, you've got plenty of time" Ryujin whined, looking like a lost kitten.

Yeji was shocked at this, knowing that Ryujin kept track of her exam periods were more than enough to make her feel giddy.

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