chapter 2

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Osten POV:

I stare at mom and dad in total complete total shock.

I have been nagging them for at least 3 years to tell me this story.

"your kidding. right?" I say in (again)  total complete shock 

"well if you don't want to hear we wouldn't tell now would we Maxon?" mom asks in mock seriousness, turning on her hills.

" no no no we want to hear the story!" we all yell

"even the baby inside of me wants to hear!" says Eadlyn, mom and dad chuckle.

"ok if you insist" dad says which a smile

"meet us in the women's at five o'clock sharp boys you can come in with out permission"

"yes!" I shout

---its 5 o'clock-----------  :)  -------------------

I arrive at the women's room first no one but mom is there I'm about to open my mouth to say hi  when I hear the melodies coming from the back of the room. then I realize.... mom is playing the piano she only does that when she is nerves or excited. I didn't wanna interrupt so I walked so very quietly and seconds past before she noticed and reached to hug me, I fell into mom's arms and hugged her. " I love you mommy" " I love you to my baby boy". "I so ready to tell you all this story. its... for your fathers words 'ku ku' and for mine 'funny'" that exact moment Silvia strode in and said " who said 'ku ku'" she asks "dad" "Maxon" me and mom said in union. 'sorry dad' I think to myself and hearing mom chuckle to herself mumbling "sorry Maxon". 

a few minutes later dad comes storming in "who tattled to Silvia I said 'ku ku'. I just got a wicked scolding and I'm the king!?!" he asks laughing.  " he did" "she did" me and mom say together. "well then I'll have to tickle both of you into a confession!" "nooooo" I yell and start running all around the room with dad on my tale. finely he caches up with me and starts to tickle me like crazy "hahahaha  o-hahaha-k  hahahaha-dad  hahahaha-w-haahahahaha-we  bo-hahahaha-th hahahaha-did!" I say laughing like a crazy person. "thank you!" dad said resting me on a couch walking to mom. 

dad approaches her and said " I can't believe you sold me out-" mom silenced him with a kiss "yuk yuk yuk" I yell, covering my eyes. " get a room!" said Eady stepping in the room "thank you!" I exclaim. "can't my pregnant ass get some rest without you too being all lovie dovie. gosh!" she exclaimed. everyone started laughing including Ahren and Camil who just walked in with Kaden. "ok" mom said " everyone sit down! and lets begin" 

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Kaden POV: 

"Maxon" mom called "I think we should call Marlie, Carter, Aspen, Lucy and Mary!" mom said "why mommy?" Osten asks "all of them play an important part in the story later pinky promise ,Osten dear" dad said from the back of the room looking thro some old c.ds "Maxon where you get the guys get some strawberry tarts, ok" mom says "of course my dear" not your dear for the second time today will you ever give up?!?!" "never. you said yourself darling at the halloween ball so many years ago I don't have it in me to give up". "daddy!" Eady called sobbing happily "I missed you daddy!" she exclaims falling on his neck "I missed you too darling" dad said shocked and amused. "pregnancy hormones" Erik whispered in his ear.

 " I heard that!" Eadlyn yelled angrily. "I'm sorry my dear" Erik said clearly amused "love" dad addressed mom "see Erik can call Eady 'dear'!". "no he can not" says Eadlyn clearly not amused "sorry darling" Erik apologised. That's when dad whispers something in his ear patted his back and left to find the Legers, Woodworks and Mary.

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Maxon POV: 

"good job Erik" I whispered " keep on apologising for every thing" I pause "even if its not your fault" I patted his back and left to get everyone. 

----- time skip ---------

I come back to the women's room to see all the furniture in a circle of arm chairs mini sofas and coaches. America patted the space by her inviting me to sit next to her. 

I sat down and gave her kiss she returned and smiled and said "let's not let the confessions get to us, ok dear? "of course love" I said "but I want you to stay in control sometimes when you get upset you act in haste so lets stay rational" 

"when have I not been rational?" she asks me which the cutest little pout

"never love never" I say and turn to Osten to whisper " I have a list.... its alphabetised!" "you have to show it to me!" he says enthusiastically "later son, later" 

"from when is the first rational decision she made, daddy" he asks "from she was 17" "WOW" "damn right WOW" I answer.

"ok lets begin" America says and the room shushes 

America POV:

just as we finish organising the women's room Maxon walks in with everybody.  I pat the place aside of me inviting Maxon to sit by me and gives me a kiss I happily return. then I say "let's not let the confessions get to us, ok dear?

 "of course love" he answers  "but I want you to stay in control sometimes when you get you act in haste so lets stay rational""when have I not been rational?" I ask with a pout "never love never" he says and turn to Osten, who sat next to us and they whispered and giggled like tow little girls at a slumber party. I scan the room to see everyone including Kile and Josi sited and comfy I wave to Marlie and say 

"lets begin" 

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