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Alexis Popielski is a mother of 2 kids, she has a 2 year old daughter and a 4 month old baby boy with her boyfriend of almost 5 years. One day, her and her kids go to the grocery store to get more food for the week, when a delivery truck doesn't stop for the stop sign, Alexis sees it with just enough time to push the cart that has her kids and the groceries into another customer and out of the way of the delivery truck, it slams into her and she bleeds out in the parking lot as her kids are taken into the store so they don't watch it happen. By the time the police get there, she is already dead. Suddenly instead of the pain she was feeling, she feels like she is floating, then she opens her eyes to see a white room, she is sitting in what looks like a waiting room.

 Suddenly instead of the pain she was feeling, she feels like she is floating, then she opens her eyes to see a white room, she is sitting in what looks like a waiting room

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A man walks in, she recognizes him from her favorite show, Supernatural. He says, "who's next?" Alexis is in shock, Jensen freaking Ackles is in front of her, she looks around to see if he is talking to anyone else but there is no one else in the room. So with wide eyes, she points to herself as if questioning if he is talking to her.

When he nods, she stands up and follows him into an office and he takes his seat on one side of the desk and she takes hers on the other side. He picks up a file that has her name, picture, and birth date on it.

"What's happening? Where are my kids? Wasn't I hit by a truck?" She asked rapidly, trying not to freak out.

"Yes, I'm sorry but you were hit by a truck and you died, you were able to push your kids out of the way just in time for them to crash into another customer which got their attention and saved your kids' lives. I am death, no this is not my real face, I just take the form of who you feel comfortable with." Death told her.

"Am I going to hell?" She asked.

"From the looks of your file here, no you are not going to hell, but I do have a question for you, would you want to go to heaven, and go straight to peace, or would you want to be reborn into another universe?" He asked her with one eyebrow raised in question.

"Another universe? Which one?" She asked him causing him to chuckle.

"It's from one of your favorite shows, The Vampire Diaries. You would be reborn as Honey Rose Gilbert, Elena and Jeremy's older sister." He told her, causing her eyes to go wide.

"Will I remember anything, will I be human, or can I be a witch maybe?" She asked him, thinking of all the danger just being Elena's sister will bring.

"Yes, you will actually be a witch, in this timeline, Miranda cheated on Greyson and got pregnant with you, your birth father was one of the most powerful witches in the world, your magic will not be bound by the ancestors like Bonnie's are. You have no one to answer to when doing magic, so you can bring someone back to life without killing anyone in return." He told her, causing her to think of Henrik. "But one more thing, there is going to be one other difference in this version. There are soulmates."

"Who is my soulmate?" She asked him, trying to process all of this.

"About that..," he scratches the back of his head trying to figure out how to explain this, "with someone as powerful as yourself, you actually have more than one, not many people get more than one believe it or not, but you are a lucky, or unlucky depending on how you feel, enough to get 5 soulmates."

"W-who?" She stuttered out.

"The Mikaelson brothers, all of them. Finn, Elijah, Niklaus, Kol, and Henrik. That's why I mentioned bringing someone back to life, I'm making sure you have the power to do that, and I will help you with creating the spell to do that." She is still a bit in shock, but she nods her head. "So you want to go to the new universe?"

"Yes, but will I still look the same?" She asked hoping to look different.

"No my dear, you will look different."

"I'll do it then." As soon as she finished that statement, her body felt like it was on fire, slowly starting from her feet and working up to her head until she felt like she was being burnt alive. Looking up to the sky, she let out a scream of pain.

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