the dream soulmates

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That night, I'm laying in the hospital bed, and trying to get to sleep. Once I finally drift off, I find myself on a beach, (the one in the picture above) it's beautiful here. I look around and I find Henrik beside me.

"What's happening?" I ask him.

"I think this is a soulmate dream, usually you meet your soulmates in the dream realm but I never knew what caused it or that I could be included, since I'm dead." He answered.

"Oh so your brothers should be here also?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm going to stay here, don't tell them I'm alive please, I want it to be a surprise." He begged.

"Ok, I won't tell them," I told him as I walked up to the cabin. I opened the door and saw Niklaus yelling at his brothers, it seems none of them know what is happening. Kol and Elijah look bored of his yelling, and Finn looks like he wants to explore this new world he sort of woke up in. "Hello?" She hesitantly said.

"Elskan?" Elijah said as his head whipped around, feeling the chills from her voice that only a soulmate could cause. When his eyes met hers, it's like his whole world turned upside down and there was only her. The same happened for his brothers.

Niklaus completely forgot why he was yelling and that there was anyone else in the room when he drops to his knees with a dopey smile on his face. "my love, you're here.. y-youre alive. I-i knew you couldn't be dead." He stuttered out, scooting on his knees toward her with tears welling up in his eyes. He never knew he could feel this much happiness, all he ever had was loyalty out of fear, but he knows he has her loyalty just like she has his.

"Um, hi. I'm Honey Gilbert." I shyly introduce myself. I'm glad they could sense the mate bond as soon as they looked at me, on tv they were the beautifully misunderstood ruthless family, the bond probably saved my life. Looking around, I can see Niklaus on his knees in front of me, damn near hearts in his eyes, Elijah has the same look in his eyes but he sat in an arm chair. Kol is by the kitchen counter, looking like a puppy ready to pounce, and Finn looks like he's at war with himself, so I walk over to him only for him to back away.

"Please don't come closer, I do not want to hurt you, my love." Finn stated as tears welled up in his eyes.

"It's ok Finn, I trust you." I put my hands up and walked toward him like he was a wounded animal, before I was finally in front of him and I put one hand on his shoulder and one on his cheek and a tear dropped from his eye. "It's ok Finn, everything is ok, come here." With that I pull him in for a hug and he hugs me back, with his arms wrapped around my waist. I look around and the others look shocked.

He pulls back and looks at me confused, and asks, "how did you know my name?"

"Can I tell you all that when we meet in person? There is another person I need to tell about it and I want to tell you all together." I explained.

"That's fine Ástin, we do not wish to push you to say or do anything that you do not wish to do." Elijah told me like the peace maker he is.

"What all do you know?" Niklaus asked hesitantly, with an almost scared look in his eyes. Oh poor Nikky probably thinks I'm going to reject him if I find out about his past.

"I know a lot, and I'm still here. I know your names, and I know of the bad things you have done in the past to and for each other. I also know about your curse, and I have been trying to find a way to change it a bit, if that's ok with you." I said the last part hesitantly, I don't want him to be mad at me or not trust me. I think he recognized the scared look because he rushed over and took my hand in his.

"That's fine, but love, what are you trying to change about it?" He asked me.

"Well, Klaus, I'm glad you asked." I said with a small smile, "my sister is actually the doppelganger you need to kill in your ritual, but if she does, you can't use her blood to sire more hybrids." As I'm saying that, I'm looking at the floor, but once I finish I look to see his reaction and everyone looks shocked, but Klaus looks like he just paled. "Are you ok? You look like you got more pale." I asked him, with my hand on his cheek.

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