chapter 15 - where have they gone?

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Hawks woke up to find that Dabi was gone. He stumbled out of his bed and made his way to the main area of the hideout. No one was in there. He made his way to Toga's room. Again, no one. He went into Spinners and Twice's rooms as well, he found the same result. Then he made his way to the one room he did't want to have to go to. Shgiraki's room. He knocked on the door. no reply. He slowly opened the door. Once again, no one. 

He decided to search the main area for any kind of note or sign. He looked on the bar, behind the bar, on the sofa, on the coffee table, on the TV stand and in every other nook and cranny. When he couldn't find it he got short of breath. He was crying and his heart started beating really fast. A panic attack. He ran to Dabi's room too look but he couldn't see anything in their either.

In the end he just sat on the floor in the corner of the room, hugging his knee's with his wigs around his body and waited for something, anything, too happen.

Two minutes later he heard a door open and the close again. He ran out of Dabi's room and into the main room. His face still wet from tears. He found shiggy, toga, twice and spinner walk through the door. No Dabi.

"Where is Dabi? Is he okay?" Hawks asked nervous and trembling.

"I don't know. He will probably be back soon. He does this quite a lot." Shiggy answered grabbing a drink from the bar.

"How long will he be? How often does he do this? Why didn't he leave a note?" Hawks asked even more jittery.

"Look, you need to calm down. Smoke some of this." Shiggy replied, handing him a "cigarette".

"I don't smoke. Why are you trying to make me smoke?" Hawks responded, not entirely sure of what to do.

"Just trust me, it will help." Shiggy said holding it out to him.

Hawks slowly took the cigarette from Shiggy, as well as a lighter. He lit it and tried to take a puff. instead he choked and spluttered.

"You don't breath it in as you would normal air. You need to hold it in your mouth and then breath it in." Shiggy said knowing exactly what Hawks had done. 

Hawks tried again and this time he did it. 

"Okay. You can have it back now." Hawks said holding it away from himself.

"I don't want it. You should finish it." Shiggy replied.

"Errr... sure." Hawks responded, giving into the peer pressure.

note: heyy. sorry i haven't posted in awhile (told you i would post soon, Edward). anyway, sorry about the shit tonne of cliff hangers there are but what can i say. feel free to correct me shit. bye!

they were just friends - dabihawks nsfw storyWhere stories live. Discover now