3 - Bathroom Stall

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(Y/ns pov)

It had almost seemed forever since my last panic attack. I locked myself in a stall in the boys bathroom,  fuck, was I even a boy? Now everyone knows. What am I going to do. I start grabbing my arms and sitting on the gross toilet lid and silently sobbing my eyes out. The bell rang meaning class started. Might as well skip until everyone's gone. I find myself shaking and my heartbeat increasing and my head filled with a million thoughts I couldn't even answer. My vision went blurry as I rocked my body to try to sooth my brain down but it didn't work. I just sat there, crying.

(Kyles pov)
I tried to trace y/n's steps but found no luck, I sighed in disappointment walking to my class. I know I couldn't leave Y/n alone, but I needed for info on where he could be. I enter the classroom "And kyle where have you been?" "Oh I was helping a 2nd grader find their class!" I lied. "Well ok. Sit down" she pointed to my spot and I just stared at our worksheet thinking about what might happen to Y/n. "Hey, jew" cartmans high pitched voice called to me "what cartman?" I say pissed off on what he did. "Did you hear? D/n is TRANS! I can't believe her." He said snickering "They go by Y/n dumbass now shut up and work." He scoffed and turned to tell clyde and practically the whole class.

I wonder what Y/n is doing.

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