4 - Ring Ring

906 28 15

*Time skip to the end of the day*

TW:⚠️ Slight mentions of $h!!!⚠️

(Y/ns pov)
I heard the last bell ring and everyone leaving, when it became dead silent I walked out, my eyes red and my skin.. well. I don't really remember it was so quick and I felt so relieved but then a shit ton of guilt after. I walk through the walls to my locker, already hung with pictures of me along with slurs I dont even want to say. I rip them off and tears form in my eyes. I throw them in the trash and walk home. My house wasn't far but I know I missed the bus so might as well.

*15 mins later*

I walk into my house home alone, my mom probably fucking some dude on the street and my dad at work. I just walk up to my room and check my phone. A shit ton of texts from stan and kenny. I try to find the words to explain what happened but I couldn't find them so I just reply with "👍" and "❤" I just end up listening to music  and staring at my ceiling. I look st my clock "11:33 pm" At that point I skip eating and head to the bathroom looking at what I did to myself earlier today.. god dammit. I ignore changing and flop on my bed and silently cry imaginary tears while staring at my window and the Grey moon covered with fog. It turned 1:00 and I still wasnt tired, fuck, Im still panicking about what to do at school..Skip? No my parents would kill me. I try not to think of school and scroll on tiktok.

*Time skip to morning*

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