During his last year in high school, Ryuu tried his best to get into a prestigious high school, as this was essential to be able to support his mother. On the day of the entrance exam, he was very nervous, as he knew that his result depended on being able to help his mother. After taking the exam, he waited three weeks anxiously for the results, but finally managed to pass. Now, Ryuu will be able to take more seriously the promise he made to his mother and get her out of there.
First day of high school.
After entering high school, Ryuu is determined to focus on his studies so that he can get a job to take care of his mother and provide her with a peaceful life. Since he has taken his promise to help her seriously, his attitude has become more serious and this has caused others to perceive him as intimidating. When he arrives at school, he attracts the attention of others and many turn to look at him because of the aura he conveys. However, Ryuu does not allow himself to be distracted and continues to work hard to achieve his goals.
When Ryuu arrives in the classroom, he sits in the back of a corner so as not to make others uncomfortable due to his temperament. Although he is aware that he may seem intimidating, he can't help but feel that way after what he has been through in the past few years because of his father. During class, the teacher asks all the students to introduce themselves so they can get to know each other better. Among them, a girl named Sakura, who in high school participated in several youth magazines as a model for different seasons of the year, stands out. After a few hours, the first day of school ends.
-No doubt, this day was boring. - Ryuu thought in his mind as he walked down the stairs to leave the school.
Suddenly, he heard some voices in one of the hallways and decided to stealthily investigate. He approached the side of the wall and peeked out to observe the situation. There, he saw three older boys harassing a girl. Ryuu stared at the situation for a moment.
-Those are three boys... it looks like they're harassing her. - Ryuu thought as he observed the situation.
Then, he remembered the girl he had met in class.
-Wait, she's not... what's her name? what was her name? Sakura?- Ryuu thought.
One of the stalkers turned to Sakura: "Hey Sakura, come with us. My two friends and I will show you a good time- while the other two started laughing.
-Please leave me alone, I don't know who you are and I'm in a hurry! - said Sakura in desperation.
The stalker who was talking cornered Sakura in a corner. Sakura feared that she was going to be raped right there, since the hallway was not very busy at that time. The stalker started grabbing her by the hair and sniffing her. Sakura could not move because of the fear she felt at that moment.
-Somebody help me! Please! - Sakura thought in terror.
-You brats! -said Ryuu.
This got the attention of the three boys.
-What do you want, rookie? This is none of your business, so go back where you came from. -said the stalker.
-But what a trio of fools. -said Ryuu seriously.
At that moment, Ryuu's attitude provokes the anger of the three stalkers, who momentarily stop paying attention to Sakura and focus on him.
-What did you just say, stupid? -asks the stalker who was talking, approaching Ryuu.
Ryuu is silent for a moment and starts laughing.
-What are you laughing at, you moron? -says the stalker along with his friends.
I want to be happy
RandomRyuu, an 18 year old boy who has suffered a trauma from his father Shikirai, who since his young age has had to endure and see how his father mistreats his mother Nara because of his work.