Part 11: Great boyfriend

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How could he bring Kate? I know I lied to him but what the fuck? He knew I was going to be here a took Kate here on a date? Does he even think about you before making decisions? The group almost instantly knew something was off by the way you were staring at something, not saying anything. "Hey y/n... is everything okay?" Tara asking, super concerned on how your mood dropped so quickly. "Over there." That's all you said while pointing, before looking forward, not being able to look at them anymore. They all tried to adjust themselves in their seats, trying to get a little peak of what you were pointing at. Faces dropped as the noticed. 

"What the fuck? Is that the girl he is always with now?" Sam officially pissed of at Ethan. "Yeah, her name is Kate." "I'm going over there." Sam getting up from her seat making her way towards him before you grabbed her arm. "Don't, I can't stand the idea of having to talk to him about this again right now." You said, giving her puppy eyes. You really didn't want to confront him. "At least wait till after we are done please." "Fine. I'm not going soft on him." Sam sat back done, glaring at him. Thank God he didn't notice. How could he look so happy. He's just sitting down, leaning on to the table as she talks. He seems so engaged in the conversation. Like he could listen to her talk for days. 

"You know what? Fuck it, where is the waitress?" You got a sudden boost of confidence. She came back right after you said that, as if you summoned her or something. "You guys ready to order drinks?" She asked with a smile. "Yes, I would like two shots of vodka, one of patron, and a glass of wine please." You said smiling while the group just stared at you, knowing what was about to happen. She took everyone else's orders, Tara and Sam matching your vibe. You felt the sudden need to go to the bathroom, looking around for it you notice you had to walk past your boyfriend and his date to get to it. "I need to go to the restroom, Tara can you go with me? I gotta walk past you know who." You say, tilting your head towards them. "Yes of course, walk with confidence, as if you didn't even notice them. Oh wait perfect. There is a boy who is kinda cute, definitely your type but the bathrooms, you could totally pretend to bump into him and start a conversation." Tara absolutely understanding you more than anyone good. Revenge is always the best policy. "Tara. You are a genius, you read my mind." 

You both got up, strutting your way to the bathrooms. Walking past Ethan made your heart flutter. It kind of hurt. He noticed you but didn't say anything, just stared at you walking to the bathroom. You walked through the bathroom door, out of his sight, before he turned his attention back to the girl in front of him. You finished using the bathroom, after Tara giving you a little confidence boost before walking out. You did the plan, bumping into the guy Tara mentioned, she was not wrong about him being your type, but he wasn't Ethan. You strike up a quite conversation with him. Ethan noticed and clenched his jaw. Tara noticed Ethan and how jealous he was getting, giving you a sign to continue back from her seat. The random guy tried to make a move on you, making Ethan jump up from his seat, catching your attention. 

"Hey y/n. You look great tonight. I've missed you. Oh who is this guy?" No way he was doing this right now. "Just some guy I bumped into, I was just apologizing." You say trying to act innocent, knowing damn well the game you were playing. "Well I don't think he knows that, especially from the way he was flirting with you. I'm her boyfriend by the way, nice to meet you." Ethan stuck his hand out, trying to shake it with the other dude who just walked away. "What the fuck y/n? Why were you talking to that guy." Oh so your the bad guy now. Alright Ethan. "I already told you I was just apologizing." "Totally." "Why do you even care? You're here with Kate, she probably misses you, might wanna go back to her." You say crossing your arms, staring dead into his eyes after getting a quick look at Kate's back head. "Are you actually upset about that?" "Of course I am Ethan! Why wouldn't I be. I tell you I can't do something with you ONE time and you go with her. Real great boyfriend material babe." You walked away, not standing this conversation anymore. You got back to your table not realizing he followed you. 

"I thought this was girls only." Ethan behind you, seeing Chad and Danny. "I lie one time. I don't wanna keep this cycle with you were you put Kate first and come back to me, acting everything is fine. It's not Ethan. And you being here with Kate just proves everything." You turned to look at him. "Come on guys, we're leaving. Let's go home y/n." Sam saying, getting up. "Have fun with Kate." Tara said, as you all walked out, Chad eyeing him down until he was out of sight. He just stood there, in shock, watching you walked away. Kate walked up to him afterwards, instantly comforting him, Ethan giving in. 

"Who the fuck does he think he is?" Sam yelled, "How dare he make himself the victim?" You just walked quietly. "Hey are you okay?" Sam asking, as she realized you weren't saying anything. "No. I'm not. Does Ethan even care about me? How could he even think to show up with Kate, knowing I'm going to be there and knowing damn well how I feel about her?" you said, tears forming on your water line. You pushed them down, not wanting to cry over this again. "He doesn't deserve you y/n." They all huddled up around you, giving you a big hug. "Trust me y/n, once Ethan gets back home, I'm gonna give him a stern talking too." Chad saying trying to cheer you up, which worked, making you laugh. "Thanks guys. I really appreciate it. I just can't believe him. He is going to text or call me later, so maybe we can straighten this out then."

Or at least you thought he was. You didn't call or text you that night, he only messaged you when you messaged him in the morning first. He was just acting like nothing happened. Apparently he called Kate last night. How sweet of him. 


AN: Ethan is so problematic and for what. Like just be a boyfriend. Not hard. Anyways, might be a chance I post twice today, probably. Hoped you guys liked this chapter, Kate fr is just ugh. So is Ethan, stop being a dick. I love how I'm talking shit about Ethan as if I'm not writing him to be like this. Hoped you guys had a great dayyy and I will most likely say that later with a new chapterrrrr

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