Part 16: Suspects, rules, and fights

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You, Tara, Sam, and Chad stayed up all night, swiping on guys and talking about how icky some of them were, while watching the movie you planned to watch earlier that day. Chad had way to much fun with this. You eventually found a guy who was your type, and luckily he swiped right on you. His name was Levi, and you guys started talking right away after getting matched. It wasn't really what you wanted but what was the harm? You told the three everything he said, asking them what to say back, Chad and Tara arguing over what you should say, so you just gave them the phone for them to figure out. It ended with you having a date next week, which you did not agree too, but it was too late to back out now. 

It was the next morning and you decided to go the class, since you already missed a whole week. You only had three classes that day so you thought why not. You first had biology, which by your fantastic luck, the guy you matched with on the app Tara put you on, happened to be transfer to that class last week. You tried not to notice him, which worked until he noticed you, walking up to you as you dreaded your entire life. "Oh hey, you're the girl I have a date with next week right?" His voice deep, but soothing. "Uh yeah, if your name is Levi. I'm y/n." You said, sticking you hand out to shake his, why the fuck did you do that. "I am Levi, wow what are the odds of getting in the same class?" "Apparently extremely high." You and Levi continued on with your conversation, before you were interrupted by the teacher, explaining the you have a project due by the end of a week and to pick your own partner. The bell rang, as you began to leave for your next class, Levi stopped you. "Hey, I was just wondering if you wanted to be partner for the project, maybe make our date a little sooner?" Ugh you hated this. "Sure why not, I can meet you later today, but I gotta go to my next class, you have my number, text me later." You both part ways as you went on to your last two classes.

The last class you had was the worst thing to ever exist. Econ. Not only because it's complicated, but you sucked at it and Ethan was in it too. I mean he used to be your tutor for fucks sake. You sat way on the other end that you normally do, since where you usually sat, Ethan was over there, and you weren't going to be near him longer than you had too. You had to see him after this anyways. The bell rang, not Ethan in sight. He was late? He is never late. The teacher began to speak before the door opened. Ethan and Kate. "Sorry we're late." Ethan said, before walking up to the seat you used to be in. Before sitting down he made eye contact with you, surprised to see you in class, especially this one. The teacher saw where he was looking, seeing you. "Ah y/n, you're back! We missed you." Of course he had to make you the center of attention. 

Class was finally over, you quickly packed your things to avoid any interaction with Ethan and Kate. You stopped by at the teacher's desk to grab the study guide the teacher offered and waiting for Ethan to leave with Kate, knowing he wasn't going to wait for you when you had the teacher next to you. You waited about 10 minutes before exiting the class to get to the spot where Mindy told you guys to meet up. You saw the group there already, including Ethan. You walked up to them, looking around for a spot to sit, the only seat being opened was next to Ethan. Perfect. You looked around before sitting down, rolling your eyes. You looked to Tara who was on the other side of Ethan as she mouthed something, 'I'm sorry.' You sucked it up, not wanting to make this any longer than it had to be. 

"Okay nerds, listen up! As terrifying as this all is, I'm actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for calling the killers last time.." She fixed her shirt as she said that embarrassingly. "It's fine. The way I see it, someone is trying to make a sequel to the requel." Mindy used her hands a lot when speaking, but it did grab your attention. "Um, what is a requel?" Anika raised her hand, trying to understand Mindy and her nerdy horror slasher talk. "You're beautiful sweetie, let's hold questions to the end." Mindy replying to her girlfriend. "Stab 1 took place in Woodsboro," Sam said, "Stab 2 in college." You said finishing her sentence. You knew a bit about horror movies yourself, just never really talked about it. "Do we think the killer is trying to copy the movies?" Tara questioned, looking at you then Mindy. "That is one possibility. Heroes now in college? Check. Suspicious new characters brought in to round out the suspect list and/or body count? Check, check, and check. Another check if we want to count y/n's little date she has soon." Mindy said, pointing the the newest groups of the member, then to you. "Thanks Min." You said sarcastically with a smile, which Mindy returned back. "I don't like this." Ethan said next to you, only making you roll your eyes in response, which he noticed as he scoffed. 

Blame the fucking movies. | Ethan Landry x fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now