Accidentaly in Love

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This one shot in based in S3 in Neverland. I want to say Thank you to bettysbuecherwelt for giving me the title of this one shot!

"we will find Henry and Pan won't hurt anyone. I promise you Swan."

Emma gazed into Killian's eyes. She couldn't believe how kind and caring he is towards her and her family. She was getting lost into his deep blue ocean eyes. She felt her breathing getting faster and her heart beating louder and louder. She stepped closer to Killian. But then realised what she was doing and came back to reality.

"How do I know if I can trust you, your a pirate and they are not trustworthy" Emma had to pretend like nothing happened a minute ago. Even though she really wanted to be with him she knew her parents wouldn't agree.

"Yes, I may be a pirate but believe me you can trust me Emma." Emma felt her stomach fill with butterflies. He had never called her Emma before it had always been Swan or Love. He stepped closer to her and she could smell the ocean mixed with rum.

"I like you Emma and I will not let anyone or anything hurt you or your family, I know we have only known each other a couple of weeks and people would think a pirate and a process would never happen" Emma's heart skipped a beat when he said the word princess. " but I don't care what anyone thinks I would risk my life for you, I just wanted to tell you that I mean every word I just said and I hope you will learn to trust me."

Emma didn't know how to react to this she was a little shocked because she never knew he was this serious about her. They had the occasional flirt now and again but she thought it was just a pirate thing.

What Emma did next surprised her and Hook. She grabbed him by the collar and crashed her lips against his. Emma kept hold of collar while Killian had his hands in her hair. The kiss got more passionate by the second. Killian really didn't want this to end and neither did Emma. They broke the kiss to get their breath back and as soon as they did Killian crashed his lips on hers once again and Emma smiled into the kiss. She couldn't believe this was happening. They released from the kiss and Emma bear hugged Killian and Killian hugged back and stroked the top of her head.

Emma began to cry and Killian noticed and sat her down.
"Emma? What's wrong?" She placed her head on his shoulder and intertwined their fingers.
" I just never thought I could have this again, everyone I have been with has left me or died and I'm scared. I put up a wall around me so I wouldn't love again but you broke it, from the first moment I met you I knew you were special. I just don't want to looses you to.

Hook embraced Emma and whispered in her ear to comfort her
"don't worry you will always have me"
Emma smiled up at Killian and he pecked her lips.

Hi! Thanks to everyone who is reading this I really appreciate it! Please vote and comment. I am going to try and post another one later and one on Saturday and Sunday but I go back to school on Monday and It will be hard for me to post updates because of exams so I will try and post one asap!
Please check out my other fanfic I have only written one chapter at the moment buts it's going to be about Outlawqueen and Captainswan with a twist!
Rosie xoxo

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