Lust's Hideout

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Teru would have found Fort Wayne interesting. Crumbling buildings, abandoned like most places in Avania, and nowhere near the overwhelming size as New York, but it still had charm. There were thousands of apple trees, faded paintings on the brick walls, random sculptures that somehow survived a century to the elements, etc.

He couldn't pay attention to those things.

He kept glancing at Lucas as the group walked along the cracked, weed-covered streets. His best friend was so pale and lethargic. No amount of licking by an alpha could completely heal the wound, which would reopen later. His declining health was out of their hands.

"Just up ahead," Blaise said, breaking the silence. No one talked since the Jeep broke down, anxious about the faint earthquakes.

They were on a bridge where three rivers connected below. Kieran, holding their two bags, went ahead of him to test out the structure. He wanted to make sure Teru wouldn't step on a loose road fragment. The other two followed closely behind.

Teru looked over the edge of the bridge, seeing small fish in the brown water-

"Oof!" he heard someone gasp.

Lucas had tripped on a jagged piece of cement sticking out, shins bleeding. He didn't get up immediately and laugh about his own clumsiness like usual; instead, Lucas remained there on his hands and knees, head down. His shoulders trembled as if he couldn't hold his weight anymore.

He's really going to die at this rate!

The thought was devastating to him. After they were forcefully separated, Teru believed he was dead. That was hard enough, and it had tested his mentality daily. Going through that a second time was unimaginable, breaking his heart. Lucas survived everything that was too fucked up to say. To die of an infection? Life was too harsh if that were to happen.

Choking up, Teru went to him and placed a hand on his back.

"We're almost there," he encouraged softly.

Please stand. Please.

In the past, when Lucas fell or got hurt, he always refused Teru's help. He'd push his hand away while saying, 'I'm an alpha. I can do it.'

Eventually, Teru stopped offering to preserve his pride. So, he assumed Lucas would want to get on his own feet by himself, not wanting to show weakness in front of two vampire royals no matter his condition.

There was a sweet smell. It reminded Teru of a meadow filled with clover and their flowers. He and the other pups would search for hours until they found a four-leafed clover. Once, he was in tears because everyone had one but him.

'Here,' Lucas had said, holding his only lucky plant. 'You can have mine.'

Teru distinctly remembered taking it. His five-year-old self continued to cry as he held the clover. The way Lucas panicked at his reaction was funny to think about.

A warmness tingled in his hand where he touched Lucas, spreading up his arm. It wasn't a bad feeling; rather soothing actually.

The old memory changed, removing the people who had been there. The trees disappeared. He only saw the meadow expand to never-ending.

A field of four-leaved clovers.

The sun in the bluest of skies shone brighter, illuminating the clovers' blooming purple and red flowers. This place was so welcoming. Perfect to run. Perfect to sleep when he got tired. Perfect to bathe in sunlight. His soul was happy.


He knew deep down that not everyone could come here and find peace. It was reserved for souls who were deserving.

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