Chapter Six: New Gear, New Strategy.

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Y/N's perspective 

It's dark, I feel like I'm floating. Where am I? I feel like I'm in a giant space, yet at the same time, it feels claustrophobic. My mind races before the loud silence was interrupted by a bone-chilling voice.

A robed man appears in my field of vision, almost as if he's staring through me

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A robed man appears in my field of vision, almost as if he's staring through me. "Sacrificial lamb. You will receive our most sacred body." The man breaks the silence once more. "It begins now." He says before he disappears from my vision, leaving me in a dark void, yet again. I had thought that that would be the end of it, but apparently not. What felt like hours boiled down to a few minutes, I started to reflect, when a memory hit me. I remember having things thrown at me daily, I can't make out who was throwing them at me, the memory seemed blurry. "Maybe that's what has me so afraid when they throw shit at me?" I question myself before I start to hear the noise again, this time it sounds like a struggle. I close my eyes and open them slowly, to an almost blinding light, by the time my eyes adjusted I saw a sight that made my heart race.

I see Leon and the man we freed with chains wrapped around the neck of a villager, who wildly swung his axe around, like a trapped animal

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I see Leon and the man we freed with chains wrapped around the neck of a villager, who wildly swung his axe around, like a trapped animal. A few moments of struggling later and I see Leon throw his weight down on the shortened end of the chain with his knee, A mind-numbing Crack echoes through the concrete room we were in, this is when I notice my arms bound behind my back as I sit on the cold floor, in nothing but my pants and the tanktop I had under my two layers of warm clothing, it was too cold to stay like this. By the time I look back up at the two I see the stranger fiddling with his wrist shackles before they fall to the ground under his feet, Leon lunges at the man with a yell "Hey, we're not done here!" But the chains still binding his arms kept him from going any further. The strange man was hard to get a beat on. "Later, Amigos!" He says with his arms up in a shrug before he throws the key he used to free himself near my feet before retreating from the room. 

With a defeated look, Leon walks over to the key sitting near my feet and undoes his shackles. "Shit, they took our gear. And a lot of your clothes, it seems." Leon says. "Looks like we're gonna need to get something to cut the rope around your wrists," Leon tells me, pulling me to my feet. "I'll follow your lead, I'm basically useless unless you want some moral support."  Leon holds two fingers for a slight moment before he speaks. "Condor one to roost. I've located Baby Eagle. It looks like she's being kept in some church." Leon pauses, waiting for a response from whoever he was talking to. "I heard it from this guy I met. Said his name is Luis Serra. There's something fishy about him, I need you to run a background check." Another pause. "Right, the civilian I picked up and I are on our way, probably time for a confession anyway," Leon says in a joking manner. "Condor one out."  

"Unimaginable" Ashley Graham x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now