Chapter 12

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"I don't love him Amane. Like I said before I just see him as a friend, nothing more than that."

Nene said, looking away as Amane replied.

"Nene, please you have to stay away from him."

"Why's that?! Amane you can't control my life."

"I'm not controlling you? I just want the best for you and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Stop worrying about me like I'm some kid who can't defend herself or anything!"

"Listen, I don't want to scare you or anything but I'm afraid that the incident that happened to you on your first day of school will happen again."

".... Amane, don't compare that horrible person Lemon to Teru."

"So… you love him?"

"Oh my God Amane I told you no. I already have someone that I love."

Nene froze when she realized what she just said as she looked up to Amane who was like he saw a ghost. Amane felt like a knife stabbed his heart. 'She loves someone?' Amane thought as he had a sad look on his face "Let's go physics class is starting soon" Amane said, fake smiling, he left the room as Nene silently closed the aid kit and followed Amane.


They went to their seats as Amane put his head on the desk looking out the window as he was in deep sad thoughts as Nene put her books on the desk and paid attention to class.

'She loves someone. Who's that person? Why isn't it me?' Amane thought as he felt his chest getting tight.

'I wonder why Amane seems sad when I told him that I already love someone, his face changed then  went back to normal but I could see a hint of sadness in his eyes.' Nene thought, playing with her ruler.

Teru was nowhere to be seen in class.
After school ended

"Hey bud are you okay?" Akane asked worried as Amane hummed, having an emotionless face.

"Amane!" Nene called as she ran to them panting, then paused to take a breath "Yes Nene?" Amane responded "C-can we please talk?" Nene asked in a worried tone as Amane shook his head "No Nene. Let's talk in texts." Amane looked away as he started to walk but Nene stopped him, pulling his sweatshirt "I won't let you!" Nene said, determined as Akane, Tsukasa, Kou and Aoi chuckled, "I guess we will see you guys on Monday. Bye!" Akane said as they all left leaving Amane and Nene alone.

Amane sighed "So you insist?" He asked as Nene nodded pouting, Amane smiled then shrugged"Okay then, let's go sit on that bench."

Both of them walked on a bench as Amane took off his bag and placed it on the ground as Nene did the same "I'm sorry. Did you have somewhere important to go?" Nenen asked as Amane shook her off "No. I was just kinda tired today so I was planning on sleeping when I go home." Amane said, yawning.

"Oh… I feel bad." Nene said, scratching the bag of her head as Amane replied.

"Don't worry about it. So what did you want to talk about?"

"I just… feel like I upset you today. And I don't want you to go home sad because I will feel guilty all weekend." Nene said, pulling her knees on her chest as she was looking away.

"Nene, you don't need to feel that. It was mostly my fault today. I don't know what came over me and got me so angry." Amane said ruffling Nene's hair then looked up to the sky, it was starting to get dark.

"Hey Nene, can I maybe get a hug?" Amane asked, looking down his lap as Nene stood up, went In front of Amane and opened her arms. Amane grabbed her sides and pulled her into his embrace hugging her tightly, he pulled Nene on his lap.

"A-ah Amane? This position is a bit.. embarrassing." Nene stuttered as her cheeks heated "Just a little more. Let's stay like that." Amane said burying his face in Nene's shoulders as Nene's heart was beating uncontrollably as she wrapped her arms around Amane's neck.

'I hope that the person you love will hold you like this and be with you. This is the last time we're going to talk Nene and the laste time I'm going to hold you like this. I have to take a break from you so that my feelings fade away.'
This is short BUT I promise that the next one is going to be longer.

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