~* Information *~

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Hello loves! This is just a small chapter with some information about the characters and my au! 


Nightmare -

Nightmare will do anything to find his brother, though he has given up somewhat. 

He's also a fatherly figure to all the Moon sanses. 

At the ripe age of seven (he's a year older than dream) his brother was taken away/ went missing. This was extremely traumatizing since Dream was Nightmare's only friend. 

The reason the Apple Incident still happened was because Nightmare had figured out Nim had done something with Dream and wanted revenge.

Nightmare hates Ink with a burning passion and has many allies in the Star sanses, including Swap, Fell, Sci, and Outer. If Ink or one of the council members were to hurt one of his teammates or allies he would go ballistic. 


Dust/Horror -

Dust is a rather small skeleton, about the same height as Dream, slightly taller though. on the other hand, Horror is a giant, the same height as Nightmare, he towers over most sanses.

Dust relies heavily on magic attacks while Horror uses brute strength. Teamed up together they are pretty much unstoppable, Horror acting as a large shield. 

Dust and Horror are quite the lovey-dovey couple. They usually can be found in Nightmare's castle or out in an Outertale park being cute. They constantly participate in couple contests since they always love a good challenge. They quite enjoy going on double dates with Error and Dream, (Drerror). They are currently the only ones who know about the glitched couple.


Error -

Error is the forced god if destruction, though he quite enjoys seeing those who hurt Dream in the past perish. 

Error met Dream about 400 years after he was abandoned in the anti void and had already become Drerror. 

Error loves Drerror dearly, but he also loves cats. Cats and Drerror, who he still calls Dream and sunshine as nicknames. 

Error and Dream consider each other brothers

If Error hadn't met Dream, he probably wouldn't have made it so long.


Dream - 

Dream is the type of person who puts other before himself. He's rather short for a sans since the anti void stunted his growth. 

Dream hardly ever leaves the anti void, only doing so every so often to go out with Error, though that will change very soon.

As a result of the trauma from being abandoned at a very young age, Dream is constantly within 6 feet of Error, except for when Error is at work, in that case Dream has a one sided portal opened to watch Error. In the odd case that Error doesn't open the portal for Dream or they aren't close to each other, Dream will have a breakdown and panic attack. 

Dream still has his memories of Nightmare before he was an octopus. So, if they were to meet in battle, Dream wouldn't recognize Nightmare, though Nightmare would likely recognize Drerror. 


To be updated! More character informations will be added when I feel like it! <3

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