Getting to know

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Y:N - Your name

Your horse and his name will be assigned to you, so nothing like |H:N| (Horse's Name) doesn't appears here (I hope you'll get over it😉)

𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐜-𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒄 - thoughts , flashbacks , overthinking, that what is happening in
the meantime
French words also appear here.
In the morning:

,,Y:N?  Y:N?? For the fifth time, don't pretend you can't hear me." These voices kept echoing in your head until they didn't let you sleep anymore. ,,*Murmur* Mmm..Yees I'm coming." You sleepily walked down the stairs, trying to remember the dream from last night, but only dim fragments appeared.
,,Well done, you're finally here. Our morning bird." Mari said ironically with smile.

,,Ha-ha-ha." You replied ironically.

,,Today you will walk to the stables to help clean them." Between sentences Mari said.

,,Wha? Why do I have to go somewhere again?" You replied annoyed.

,,So that you have friends here when you've come back."

,,When I will come back?"

,,Mh, of course, but for now.." Mari shoved a toast into your mouth. ,,Breakfast first."

You laughed at that and sat down at the table. ,,Hey granny?" you asked hesitantly.

,,Yes sunshine? She answered.

,,I-" You looked at your hands and wondered if you should share your strange experience. ,,I had such a strange dream..I was...scared and then the lights..." You couldn't really describe what you saw, because part of it seemed like nonsense to you. Mari then joined:
,,Dreams can be different... scary, happy, ones that can make you cry, but also ones that give you a sign, a lesson.  Definitely, don't take some lightly, but also, don't get confused and absorbed by them."

You started to think about her words only in that.. Your feeling and as if the exclamation mark in your head indicated that: ,,Grandma, the cat outside the window comes in here chasing the mouse and destroying your kitchen." You said in a warning voice.

,,Y:N? What was that supposed to mean? Was that answe-" Mari didn't finished her sentence, and through the half-open window, a black cat returned to the house,chasing  the mouse across the line. Mari flinched and chased them both out the back door with a broom.

,,*heavy breathing* How did you-" Mari in disbeliefs observed you.

,,I DON'T KNOW. I just knew it will happen and needed to tell you." Confused and as surprised as she was you replied.

Mari were just looking at you for a moment, until a sentence fell out of her: ,,The best for you will be go for a walk in the stables now."

,,But I-"

,,No ,No. Go."

You breathed out and angrily walked out of the door. ,,What was that supposed to mean? What got into me?" You continued walking along the paddock while wailing and then came into the stable yard. One of the ca spotted you and thoughtlessly headed towards you: ,,Is it a new help?"

You turned around and gave a friendly reply: ,,Yes, sure. Anything you want to help with."

,,Great. I will give you everything for need and I would ask you to clean the stables and take care of the horses. You give them clean water, hay in the nets and check if everything is as it should be. I'll give you a small monetary reward for that, hm?" He said enticingly.

,,Okay. I agree!" You accepted with a smile.

,,By the walls of the stables you will find freshly brought hay, here behind me, are the equipment for mucking and a well? You've definitely seen her before."

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