Chapter 5 - The Magical Tents.

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"Don't get fooled by the smiling face..... That's not a very good person in front of you..." 


3rd Person's POV 

Everyone started at Y/n in confusion because of her sudden outburst. Y/n laughed awkward "don't mind me". Everyone did so. 

They looked at the view in front of them. It was awesome. People outside their tents were dancing and playing. Flags of different Quidditch team were seen everywhere. It was like a carnival. 

"Mr. Weasley.. Is this safe?" Jake asked worriedly. He noticed that many muggle families were present there too. "Of course.. it is!! let's go get the tents!!" Mr. Weasley said and they walked inside. They could see the normal muggle families enjoying their camps while the wizards families tried to look as normal as them. 

They all walked towards a stand with 3 stalls. A handsome figure stood on the third stall while the lady handling the same stall blushed deeply. The Kimura siblings knew exactly who it was. "Hello, there! Eric!!" Mr. Weasley greeted loudly making the man turn to see everyone. He looked handsome as always. The women around the area agreed as they kept eyeing him.

"Good Morning!!" Eric grinned charmingly. They all approached him and Eric turned to his kids "Oh! I'm surprised!! I didn't knew you could walk normally on 5 a.m..... I was hoping to see you two walk like zombies!!"  Eric teased his niece and nephew. Both Jake and Y/n instantly turned red. Eric laughed at their reaction and patted both of their heads. 

"I thought you said Jake is a morning person?" Bill whispered to Ginny "Why is Eric teasing him?". Ginny scooted close to Bill and whispered back "According to Y/n, he sleeps till noon during vacation..". Bill nodded his head in reply.

Eric turned to the lady in a flash and said "See? I told you I have people coming with me... Now, can I have the tents?". The lady chuckled awkwardly and continued to blush "are these tents pre-booked?" She asked. "Yes, they are.. we booked them a week ago" Eric replied. "are there any names used to book them?" She asked taking a new book which Y/n assumed was list for pre-booked tents. 

"Yes.. there are three different names for three different tents" Eric replied mannerly. "The names would be-?" The lady asked. "Kimura, Weasley and Diggory" Eric answered. 

The lady flipped some pages and checked off three names. She went through a drawer and pulled out three tags. She handed them to Eric while saying "Diggory's tent is a little away. These two are next to each other.. ". The lady looked around and then whispered "You're free to use magic inside the tents.. but outside is prohibited... have a good time" The lady smiled 

Eric gave the tags to Mr. Weasley and Mr. Diggory and they all started to walk towards their tent. "she was a witch?" Y/n asked Eric as they walked next to each other. "Yes, she is. That lady works like a receptionist in the ministry too." Eric told her. 

"Ours is this way!!" Mr. Diggory said pointing to where his tent. "You'll be coming for lunch??" Mr. Weasley asked. "No, don't worry. we'll manage!!" Mr. Diggory assured.  "See you at the match then!" Eric said waving his hand. 

As they all walked deeper inside the grounds, the crowd increased. Eric instantly grabbed Y/n's hand so that she doesn't get lost. It took them about five minutes to reach their tents. The kids were shocked to see two small tents. Except the adults and Y/n, no one knew how everyone will fit inside. 

"I'll take the girls and Jake in our tent... we'll be able to fit everyone that way" Eric suggested. "Yes, that sounds wonderful!!" Mr. Weasley agreed. Eric counted Y/n, Hermione, Ginny, Jake and himself and said "We can fit one more.. there are two beds in each room" 

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