Chapter 15 - The Goblet of Fire

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"Y/n Kimura!!"


3rd Person's POV

Y/n noticed Barty Crouch Junior and Ludo Bagman enter the teacher's table. Hermione told them that they were the ones organizing this tournament. The dinner went on, the Kimura sister-brother were happy with their meals after a very long time. The desserts were eaten as well. 

Harry noticed that Y/n glowed after eating the food she liked and smiled to himself before turning to Dumbledore when he started speaking. He was standing next to a golden casket.

"Attention please!! I'd like to say a few words...Eternal Glory.. that is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament.. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks.. "three extremely  dangerous tasks..."

There was whispers and talking all over the Great Hall.

Silencing the crowd, Dumbledore stepped in front and flick his wand in front of the golden casket, melting the golden coverage into this air like dust. When the golden dust disappeared revealing a huge stone goblet with blue fire.

"The Goblet of Fire" Dumbledore begun. "Anyone wishing to submit themselves into the tournament need only write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Saturday night of the end of the month....... Do not do so lightly.... If chosen there's no turning back.. As from this moment...  The Triwizard Tournament has... begun"

After that, the dinner was all about the tournament. People talking, guessing who would enter. And soon it ended.  Students started leaving Great Hall to back to their dormitories. Y/n waited Hermione to finish her desserts and both of them soon left. Y/n was telling Hermione about Ramen until she bumped into Harry who had stopped. 

"Harry!!--" She said while rubbing her forehead which bumped into Harry's back of the head. "Sorry" Harry muttered while rubbing the back of his head but his eyes were on something else. "That's Harry Potter!" Y/n heard a Durmstrang boy whisper to a girl. 

Y/n looked up to see Karkaroff as well as other Durmstrang students behind him staring at Harry. Y/n placed her hand on Harry's shoulder, slightly pushing him forward while whispering "Let's go Harry.."

The four of them walked away to the Grand Staircase. But then Y/n heard, "that must be Y/n Kimura!!!!!", Hermione and Y/n shared a look, it was clear that the other schools did know about Y/n and that she would be getting these looks all year.

Y/n shook her head and returned to her dormitory.

There wasn't much time left for Saturday, only two days. So both the two days, the tournament was the only thing people talked about at the Hogwarts. But there was one thing, one thought that wasn't leaving Y/n alone.

"Quirrell targeted me during the first year.... Riddle also wanted me to join his force, luckily I wasn't Sirius's target last year but..... why do I feel like there's a high chance that my name would also appear in the goblet?!" Y/n thought to herself spinning her wand between her fingers, quite intensely.

She looked like she was struggling spinning the wand but at the same time she looked professional. Christopher, who was about to pack his bag after their tutoring session in the same class as always, stopped to stared at her, wondering what was wrong with her.

Y/n facepalmed her face, crying to herself softly while thinking 'why did I read those fanfictions??? They are making me nervous!!!'

"If you are done acting like a mandrake... I'm telling you that I am leaving first" Christopher stated standing up. Y/n didn't even bother to straighten herself up and stayed in that position  "You go ahead... let me be as I am"

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