Time Spent With You

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TW: very angsty, abuse and mental anguish, BTS not being the BTS we love, Mentions of death, delusions, misery, and being used like a soccer ball. The ditch from my dreams. Also, I don't mention it, but I hint at the MC having hypothermia. Rain, being abandoned but oddly content??? A lot tbh Idk

Read at ur own risk

4.2k words

Youth was a wonderful thing. Friends laughing, sparklers lit. The night was young, and kids were out having fun. All of them trying to escape the devastating reality of their lives. 

It was common for this group to be out and about wandering the woods so late at night. Their home lives could have been better, and many struggled to find where they belonged. Together, it was different. They were able to find peace and comfort in one another. They caused trouble and rebelled, trying to escape the horrible stories each lived.

The eight stayed close as they gathered on the abandoned road that slithered through the woods. It was a cold night. The rain had just stopped, and the road shone in the moonlight. They shivered as they walked along the path provided.

"Hey guys, it's getting kind of late. Why don't we head back." The group turned to look at her. She stood in a timid stance. She was clutching her puffy jacket close as her teeth clicked together. Their intense stare made her cower slightly. They had been acting weird all day, and she wanted to avoid getting on their wrong side. However, she felt like she was doing poorly at it.

"We set up earlier while u were in detention. We have to go." The girl only obeyed what the eldest said. His deadly stare was enough to make her comply. She followed the group blindly before they finally stumbled upon their destination.

A few logs had been laid out, ready to be sat on. A few were in the middle, ready to be lit. A couple containers were full of what she would guess to be food and equipment to light the fire. This was nothing out of the normal. They would often have campfires and sing while drinking a little. She sighed in relief. They may need to calm down. She shrugged it off as she took a seat next to Namjoon.

Instead of the cozy campfire as she had previously thought, the group sat silently on the damps logs. Namjoon looked over at the girl, who was now struggling to sit still. Her body shook with both fear and cold. Her eyes held many questions that she dared not ask. Namjoon couldn't help but smile at her state. He looked over at the six boys surrounding them. They all held the same dead look on their faces. A plan forms in their heads.

The girl sat in misery, avoiding eye contact with each of them. She didn't want to say anything that would tick them off, but they all looked like strangers right now. They showed no signs of struggle even with the shallow temperatures. She instead looked up at the sky. The moon was bright, but the sky was pitch black. The feeling of regret started to creep on her as she felt her fingers begin to numb.

The boys smirked in unison as they saw the tears well up in her eyes. She was enduring the pain to be with them, and they thrived on the feeling. "Let's go for a walk to warm you up?" Namjoon suggested as the boys stood. She looked at them in surprise. They towered over her, their eyes dark as they followed her movements.

Her knees were stiff as she struggled to stand up properly. Jimin couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips as she wobbled. She felt insecure under their intense stares. It felt almost as if they were drilling holes into her self-esteem. She looked at the seven men before her. The comfort that she usually felt was replaced with something cold.

The boys started to walk, but one stayed behind. Hoseok stood in his place, feet glued to the ground. The girl stood still as they met eyes. The subtle but deadly glare perched into her skin. It was so unlike the Hoseok she knew. His bright smile was nowhere to be seen. It hurt to see him so unemotional and dead. He finally broke the stare by abruptly turning away from her. She snapped out of her trance as the sound of leaves cracking woke in his steps.

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