Time Spent with You pt.2

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Warnings: not too many gory scenes but..... Mentions of murder, delusions, ghosts, Namjoon being soulless in the beginning. Tbh this is all just one huge delusion gone wrong so yeah. lowkey haegeum inspired, but replace chopsticks with a knife. Yoongi murderer era <3 (its for a good cause). Being haunted by BTS would be a dream. Haunting BTS would also be a dream. Lots of confusion. I'm confused myself. I gave up on editing :D

3.4k words

The week since the incident has been quiet. The city mourned the loss of this girl none of them even knew. It had made headlines throughout the country.

"Young girl missing for seven days, the search continues, no further details have been released."

The family was torn to bits as they noticed their daughter did not return home after a couple of days. More like her mother grew anxious and decided to report her missing before people could speculate. As soon as she thought of the consequences, she did all she could to seem like a responsible parent.

The boys all walked around the college halls with dull and empty looks adorning their faces. The bags under their eyes look like they haven't slept since that day. People were sympathetic towards them; losing their best friend must be hard after all

They didn't know what had really happened.

Nobody would ever know what really happened.

The seven boys allowed everyone to come up to them and give their condolences. They gave them sad smiles and even shed a few tears at the mention of her name. They didn't deserve to feel bad. They were the reason she was missing in the first place. The attention was just so satisfying to them.

Namjoon walked to his last class of the day, head lowered and only looking at the ground below him. He needed to keep this charade as believable as he could. He hid his small smile as he heard the whispers. He brought his hand up to his face, fake wiping a tear that hadn't fallen. if only they knew...

She watched from afar. She wasn't supposed to be there. She should still be at the bottom of that overgrown ditch, but here she stood, as fresh as a daisy. A beautiful flowy white dress waving in the breeze. He saw her as he looked up to climb the stairs at the building's entrance. His smug look dropped when he locked eyes with the last person he thought he'd see.

She was pale, looking identical to how they appeared the day of the incident. His eyes widened in fear, and he stumbled back a little. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He rubbed his eyes, trying to see if the delusion was real, but when he opened them, she was gone. Had his conscience finally caught up with him? He shook his head and walked up the stairs.

The three younger members were at Jimins place. Taehyung and Jimin giggled as they played on their Nintendo Switch, and Jungkook danced around while blasting music. They were interrupted by a knock on the door. Jungkook walked to open the door, being met with the droopy eyes of Jimins mother.

"Hey boys, just came to check on you. I brought some of your favorite snacks and a couple drinks from the cafe." She gently placed the tray on the desk by the door. Taehyung looked at the woman with a cute smile on his face.

"You know...I was watching the news, and they mentioned that friend of yours. Just wanted to see how you were holding up." Her eyes scanned them before landing on Jimin. His calm expression was now replaced with anger at the mention of her.

"We're fine, Mrs. Park. Thank you for the food." Jungkook said as he dove right for the nachos. The mother sighed and nodded as she turned to leave. "I'm heading to her house later if you want to come. I'm sure her parents would appreciate it." The three wordlessly nodded as they passed napkins around. Jimins mother left them to be, and the three resumed their actions.

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