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might have a part 2. 

Warnings: this is based on another really gruesome dream. why do they all involve my celeb crushes? Beats me. Literally. Whiplash. idk it happens so fast. Cho Guesung going insane? Happy couple, domestic violence basically. Head slamming. Repeatedly. Rain, neglect, happy children, drastic mood changes, murder, drowning, being left to die, manhandling, if you are sensitive to blood, don't read, I go crazy with it. Lots of psychotic behaviors going on. Barely proofread cuz I wrote this close to midnight, and I was putting off sleep as a distraction. 

This does not reflect Guesung in any way, shape, or form, I know my man would never. This is just my sick twisted delulu mind mixed with the disturbing nightmares I have starring my favorite people. 

2.1k words

Summer. Everyone looked forward to the picnics, beach days, and sunny weather. It was a time to let go, relax, and spend quality time with those you love. 

They were like any other couple at the park. They sat laughing and sharing gentle touches. Their smiles were bright as they fed each other snacks. The sun beat down on the neighborhood. Children screamed, and they both watched. Guesung loved children; he dreamed of having some of his own one day, the girl beside him as the mother of those children. He felt content in the moment. The two of them basked in each other's company, surrounded by the lively buzz of the families around them. 

The day had slowly come to an end. The beautiful, radiant sun dimmed as it peaked over the mountains. The couple began packing their belongings and began their peaceful walk home. She looked up at the sky, their hands swinging as he guided her through the streets. 

"Look, gue! The clouds are starting to form." she pointed out. He looked up to see the clouds getting darker and heavier by the minute. 

He felt his mood soil as they walked. He hated how they were now forced to rush home instead of enjoying the moment. It ruined his plans for the rest of the evening. A glare took over his expression while hers remained light and content. She loved the rain and hoped it would fall on their walk home. A cute moment with her boyfriend in the rain? Sign her up. 

Someone would have to take her dramas away before they diluted her brain and made her delusional. She silently giggled as she felt a couple of droplets on her skin. She looked over at the man who remained by her side; however, this time, she noticed his sour expression and change in demeanor. She was about to question it when the rain began falling fast and harder. 

The man released his hand from hers and began to run to the nearest store. The 711 lights were bright as he stood like a shadow among them. She stood confused for a second before quickly following suit. Her clothes began to feel heavy as she ran to her boyfriend. As soon as she reached him, he made his way inside the store. She had no choice but to follow him in as the temperature dropped, and she began to shiver. 

He stalked around the store, her presence no longer important, as he shoved drinks and snacks into his basket. The contents of the purchase are for one only. She watched as he placed an umbrella on the counter as the cashier rang up everything. Just as he paid, he headed out, face stoic and emotionless. She ran after once again. Usually, he would walk slower and match her pace, his long legs always a challenge to keep up with. He was in a trance and hadn't remembered she was still with him. His anger clouded his mind. Everything was ruined, and somehow he blamed it all on her. 

He sulked and remained silent all the way to his apartment building. The small apartment allowed nowhere to hide or let him have space to think and release his anger. As they entered his place, he closed the door behind him, almost hitting her in the face. She caught it in time, luckily, but almost regretted not getting locked out. The small studio apartment filled with tension as she quietly made her way to the bed sitting in the far corner of the room. 

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