Chapter 12

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The room was absolutely silent. Not even the sound of an annoying cricket or birds could be heard due to the deafening stillness of the room. Not one face had an identical expression dominating their features. Trunks was smirking as if christmas had come early, Goten had his head down in his hands, Vegeta had on his classic poker face and Goku looked as if he'd just died of heart disease...again.

Goku was in shock, he stayed still for so long that even Trunks was beginning to look a little concerned for his health. Maybe Goten was right and he did go a little to far.

With a slight twitch of his hand, Goku focusses his gaze and exclaims, "You want me to

do WHAT!

Reclaiming his original smirk, Trunks repeats using small words, "I want make out...with my dad...for 5 minutes."

"But...but..." With inhuman speed, Goku looks back and forth between Trunks and Vegeta. "I...I can't, he'd..m...murder me!"

Scoffing, Trunks rolls his eyes and retorts, "Like the thought of being killed hasn't stopped you before. Besides,.." Turns to his father, "Father can't murder you, it's against the rules of the game. So unless he wishes to loose to a simple dead body, he'll let you continue with this dare."

Maintaining eye contact, the two continue in a silent stare off as if gaging one another's personal motives. Refusing to backing down, Trunks openly glares at his father as Vegeta stubbornly keeps his face neutral. No that's not right...It wasn't as if Vegeta was trying to keep his poker face in place, but almost as if he were staring at Trunks and searching for something. Looking for an answer to his unasked question.

Easing off his original glare, Trunks softens his features and lets his father search for whatever answer he's looking for. After a few seconds, Vegeta finally nods and moves his gaze away from Trunks and instead to the other full blooded Saiyan in the room. This was his chance, he would not let the boys efforts go to waste, nor let his pride get in the way. It's now or never.

"Just do it Kakarot, and I promise not to maim you afterward." Vegeta states in an oddly calm tone.

Shocked, Goku opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water until he manages to stutter, " won't...I-I're ok...wi-with this?"

With a hint of amusement in his eyes, Vegeta shrugs, "As long as it's you, I don't really mind."

" as it's..." With each syllable leaving his mouth, Goku's face becomes redder and redder until he can no longer form a coherent word.

Enjoying the view of a certain flustered Sayain, Vegeta gradually moves his body until he's mere inches away from his lava red face and smirks mentally, 'Well I can see now that teasing him in the near future will become my new hobby. I'm surprised his head hasn't melted from his temperature alone.'

With that in mind, Vegeta moves even closer till he's practically on top of Goku, with their lips a breath apart. It was simply maddening! Vegeta could actually feel the others hot breath upon his own lips, coaxing his body into wanting to eliminate the distance between them. Goku on the other hand, was still bright as a tomato and was currently, unconsciously lowering himself onto his elbows and spreading his legs to accommodate the older Sayain's body. Like his body knew what his mind refused to process.

Noticing this, Vegeta grins and gladly takes the opportunity to bring his clothed body and Kakarots half naked body closer together (Vegeta removed his shirt in a previous chapter, almost forgot about that). Behind him, Vegeta could clearly see the clowns tail twisting and twitching in unison with its masters nervousness. Since the tail wasn't bristling or attempting to swat him away, Vegeta could assume that Earths hero wanted him as well, and wasn't against the idea of possibly becoming future mates.

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