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Author's POV:-

They turned back to see who is there and find "duplicate Y/N", all of them were shocked as hell.

Daniel- What are you doing here?

"Y/N"- Same, what you all are doing?

Jungkook- Just for fresh air, and we all suddenly met here.(while smiling nervously)

"Y/N"- Oh! same, by the way what about going inside the cave? (while smirking)

Taehyung- No, I don't think so it is a good idea.

Aera- Yes, he is right and you should rest Y/N.

"Y/N"- Don't think about me think about you Aera.

Aera- what are you talking Y/N?

"Y/N"- That you are scared to go inside the cave.

Aera- What?! no! never! I am not scared.

"Y/N"- So, you don't have dare to go inside the cave.

Aera- Don't talk about dare, you know how daring I am, just give a chance to prove it.

"Y/N"- Then prove it by going inside the cave.

Aera- Fine! (she said with frustration)

"Y/N"- Ok, now follow me! (still smirking)

All of them then stand behind "Y/N" and suddenly the land in which all them were standing was started to move, and in fear Daniel was holding Aera's hand and Jungkook was Taehyung's.

But it stopped after few seconds, making everyone's head spin, suddenly they all realized that they are not outside of the cave now, they looked at each other and smirked as they wanted to go inside the cave even though they didn't come as they planned but yes at the end they are inside the cave.

Aera- Finally!

Daniel- Yes!

Suddenly, something held their ankles, when they looked down they saw shackles are there in their ankles, which resist them to move.

Jungkook- What the hell is this? (while trying to get rid of shackles)

Taehyung- Don't move, there is no use of doing that.

Aera- So, you tell us what to we do? (said with frustration)

Taehyung- Wait a min Aera, there is a code in shackles, we have to--

The voice of glass shattering cutted his words. They looked up and saw that there are Jimin and Y/N a little far from them but both of them were inside the glass box but this time Y/N's glass box was shattered into pieces which was done by Eric. He pulled Y/N and made her sit on a chair and started treating her wounds.

Eric- Y/N, don't make me angry ok? Why did you touch that Jimin? Now see, what happened to you! (he said in soft yet angry voice)

Y/N kept silent, she was just sobbing silently. Which was making Eric more furious.

Eric- I said don't cry Y/N. (almost shouted)

But Y/N didn't listened him so now he harshly pulled the glass from her body which made a deep cut in her body.


Y/N opened her eyes and find Jimin decide her in a glass box but both Jimin's and Y/N 'shands were connected so she tried to wake him up and she taped his hand, which Eric saw.


Eric- I said shut up.(said with red eyes and in horrific tone)

Till then, Aera was now furious when she saw Eric behavior towards Y/N she saw about to shout at him but Taehyung stopped him.

Taehyung- Aera don't, not now.

Aera- But--

Taehyung- Please understand, Jungkook (while saying to Jungkook) find the code first we have free from this then, we can do something.

Daniel- Taehyung is right Aera.

Aera- okk. (with a little in her voice)

Now Jungkook was trying every trick he know but nothing was working out suddenly he saw "so called Y/N" who bring them there, who was smirking looking at Jimin lost in her own world.

Now this time he tried Jimin's birthday date which was actually correct making Jungkook shocked and he told this to Taehyung.  

Jungkook- Taehyung, Jimin's birthday date was the code, I cracked it, now we are free.

Taehyung- Okk (he didn't listened carefully as they were whispering)

Taehyung and Jungkook planned that Taehyung is going to take Jimin out of the glass box while Jungkook will search a new path to go out.

Taehyung- I am going, ok.

Jungkook- Be careful.

Taehyung- you too.

Jungkook- hmm..

Taehyung without making any sound bring out Jimin but till then "duplicate Jimin" came and injected a liquid into Taehyung's neck, which made him feel dizzy but he kept Jimin's hand around his neck and held one arm and dragged to the corner, after that he blanked out and fell on the ground.

Jungkook saw this and he went towards "duplicate Jimin" but when he turned "Jimin" back to face him "Jimin" started to fight with him. But Jungkook doesn't want to fight as Jimin is his best friend even though this is not the real Jimin. But he was trying to fight and somehow he managed to diffuse him. But he also fell on the ground and blanked out.

Till then, When Jungkook was fighting with "Jimin" Daniel was trying to remember what code did Jungkook said as they rushed to save Jimin, they forget to tell them the code and suddenly it clicked to her mind.

Daniel- Aera, I think I know the code.

Aera- So, what are waiting for? Try it fast!

Daniel- Sorry, wait a minute.

Daniel cracked the code and now they were free but one thing was roaming in her head was why did Eric set Jimin's birthday date as code but when she saw Jungkook lying on the floor, she fastly ran towards him and dragged him to the corner where Jimin and Taehyung was and made all of them drink some liquid which helped them to regain consciousness.

But this time "duplicate Y/N" who was now back facing them turned back and saw all this, she shouted Eric's name, getting his attention to the scene.

Eric- What the f*ck is happening here? When I was treating Y/N you all become daring to do this ha! (he said angrily)

Aera- You, (while walking towards him) I haven't seen such a cheap guy like you, seriously!

Eric- Aera, you know what can I do so, think before saying a single word or else you have to face consequences.

Aera- What consequences ha? You--

Daniel- Yukii! (she almost shouted making everyone look at that direction)

They all looked at that side where Yuki was standing with many injuries. Eric ran towards her.

Eric- Are you ok? How this happened? Who done this I am gonna make that person's life hell, tell me Yuki say something! (he said with worried and furious voice)

 Yuki- You have done this!

Eric- What!? How can I-- I mean...

Yuki- I was the Y/N, I mean, the Y/N who was kept inside the box this time after the cave was closed.

Everyone was shocked no one was understanding what's happening. Suddenly "duplicate Y/N" spoke.

"Y/N"- Bye, its my time to go out! (and she went out before anyone cold stop her) 

Daniel- What did she said? uhh! this is hella confusing and what are you saying Yuki say it clearly? and where is Y/N?

Eric- Right!

Yuki- It was all LINA's plan she want's Jimin and she can go any length to make Jimin hers. She is none other than "duplicate Y/N" and even she made me too, who facing this torcher.

Daniel- Means, LINA WAS "DUPLICATE Y/N" AND whom we are thing is REAL Y/N WAS NONE OTHER THAN YOU.

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