Nightmares Pt2

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Ever since the nightmare, every time he sleeps his nightmares kept on going on and on about him being this monster with big claws and blood everywhere and with different peoples everytime he has this dreams. Tord shot up from the dream as he pulled his hair 'WHY ME!? IM ALREADY GUILTY YOU KNOW THAT!?' He yelled to himself as he sighed feeling tears on his eyes

(W-whats wrong with me?) He cried softly to himself as he jolted to see Patryk with the spare key of his apartment 'Are you okay Tord? I heard you screaming' He was about to go closer to him as Tord lifted his robot arm as Patryk halted

'Its... Just nothing. Sorry for the scream' He said embarrassed as he wiped his tears away 'Want to talk about it?' Tord looked up at Patryk as he shook his head side to side 'No thanks, b-but uh maybe someone to cry on?' Patryk smiled softly as he sat on Tord bed as he scratched his head

'Ugh so embarrassing...' He felt a hug as Patryk started to pat his back 'No need to be embarrassed, we're friends right? Friends stick to eachother no matter the damage they caused to themselves, friends are there to help because thats what friends do' Tord started to shake as he felt his eyes tearing up again

(Edd, Matt, Tom, Paul, Patryk. Im sorry...) He gripped on Patryk's shoulder as he started to cry hard as Patryk comforted him 'Im sorry i-i drag you guys down back then. I was such an asshole' He sniffed as Patryk chuckled 'Its okay, you we're just mad since me and Paul crashed the plane for the 3rd time' Tord chuckled as he wiped the tears away as he pulled away from Patryk

'Thanks i needed that' Tord smiled as Patryk smiled back 'You can go now, i can handle myself now' Patryk nodded as he got up 'Call us when you need us okay?' Patryk left the apartment as Tord got up from his bed as he locked the door.


Tord couldn't sleep that night since his head was filled with thoughts about the black spots and the nightmares, he looked at his phone to see that it was early (Paul and Patryk might be up by now) He got up from the bed feeling a burn from his chest as he gasped collapsing on the floor 'What the fuck!?' He crawled to get the painkillers as he finally got them, he grabbed the water from his small table as he popped 2 pills and then drank water

(Good thing i had the water and painkillers ready.) He stayed at the floor as the pain was still there but not that feeling of burning in hell anymore, he got up painfully as he went to the bathroom to get his day ready but he only saw that the black spot from his cheek had spread

He gasped which he decided to cover the glass where he was looking as he started to shakily breath 'Why is it spreading so fast?' He sighed stripping his clothes off as he got inside the shower trying not to look down at the big black spots on his chest and thighs, he wrapped himself in the towel as he started to wear his clothes while thinking about the black spots and his frenemy

(How was i so blind? This is definitely from  Jehovah. He has the monster blood where i putted the substance on his coffee mug accidentally, but thats impossible, the spear he shot didn't even hit me at the explosion or maybe AFTER the explosion it got in my burnt arm and face which i didn't notice, but Thomas doesn't have black spots all over him. Was it makeup?)

He sighed getting up as he ate the cereal Patryk gave him 2 days ago as he started to clean the bowl and spoon. He weared his classic hoodie then opened his door then made sure to lock the door on his way to the park, he made sure Paul and Patryk was not following him since he wanted some alone time and after peeking on the window of their apartments he started to walk to the park while looking back at the apartments.


(Whew) Tord was sitting on the bench while the others were looking at him 'H-hello mister.' Tord looked down to see a kid with teary eyes which he gave the kid some space where he can sit on the bench, the kid sat on the bench as she started crying 'I can't find mommy, d-did you found her? S-she was just here on this bench' Tord scratched his neck as he looked around to see others giving him nasty and worried glares

'Well... I just arrived here and i don't see anyone sitting in this bench' The kid started to cry more which his eyes widened 'Hey kid, be a tough little soldier for me as i give you answers. Did you try telling the police?' She looked up as she sniffled 'W-well i found the police but they couldn't help because half of the womens in the park had a white dress like mom' 'Do you have anyone here besides your mom here?' 'N-no only me and mom..'

He sighed sadly which the kid got off from the bench 'Sorry about that sir i'll find her my own-' 'Why don't we search together?' Tord got off the bench which she looked back at him 'Its better searching for your mom with 1 companion with you, my names Tord. You?' She scratched her face 'My names Shana' Tord pulled out his arm for her which she grabbed it as Tord started to find her mom

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