Again. - Chapter Twenty Six

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The next morning I woke up to a soccer ball in my face. I sat up to see Ashley and Tiffinay covering their mouths, attempting not to laugh. I assumed that Tiffinay had wanted to play and Ashley said "Oh the soccer ball is in Taylor's room!" because that's what usually happens.

"We're so sorry Taylor!" Ashley exclaimed, running to retrieve the soccer ball that had been kicked at my face. I politely handed her the ball and got up to eat breakfast, when Tiffinay stopped me.

"What's that around your neck?" she asked, tugging on my shirt so she could see. "A necklace!" I said sarcastically. "Well who gave it to you?" She asked, trailing behind me down the hallway to the kitchen. "Well wouldn't you want to know," I said, as I sat down at the counter next to Carson.

"Morning Carson," I said, flicking his forehead. He jolted awake, drool running from his mouth. "Ew Carson wipe your mouth," Emily said, handing him a napkin as she passed.

"What does everyone want for breakfast?" my dad asked as he entered the kitchen. "Pancakes?" Ashley suggested. Everyone nodded, and my dad set to work.

"Girls, you have a scrimmage today at 6:30 against Skyview," My mom said, also entering the kitchen, but keeping her distance from my father.

"What's up with your parents?" Emily asked, followed by Ashley asking the same thing. I shrugged, because this was new to me as well. Carson seemed to notice and gave me a look, but I shrugged in reply.

While we waited for breakfast, we decided we would go to the tree house. We all got dressed in jean shorts and different shirts, and Tiffinay tagged along despite my requests for her not to.

We walked back into the woods behind my house, and up the ladder into Alex's room, because it was the easiest to get to. I was the first one up, and when I heard the girls coming up behind me I left the door open and ventured to my room. I opened the door to find myself face to face with Mason and James.

"AHHHH!" we all screamed, and I slammed the door to my room shut, catching my breath. I re-opened the door to see Mason on the ground breathing heavily and James standing with his hands on his knee's.

"Why are you two Bozo's in my room?" I demanded, my hands on my hips.

"We were getting stuff for Alex's mom," James said, a hint of depression in his voice.

"Why.." I asked, my voice seeming distant.

"He's not doing great," Mason filled in, placing a hand on my shoulder. I stood their emotionless. I couldn't loose Alex too. Mark had just tried to kill himself, but Alex's case wouldn't be so lucky.

I sat down on the floor, my head in my hands.

"What are we going to do without him?" I asked sadly.

"Don't think that way Taylor, maybe it will get better," Mason said.

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