Chapter 8

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*very long chapter - over 5900 words*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, feeling a bit groggy as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I checked the time and see that it's 5 AM, Sunday morning.

I force myself to get up and start by heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth and perform Wudhu with cold water, which helps me to wake up.

When I'm done, I head back to my room and open the window to let the salty ocean air in. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore is a soothing background noise as I prepare to pray fajr. The air at fajr time is always pleasantly cold.

After praying fajr, I read Surah Ad Duha, which is one of my favorite Surah's of the Quran. The words and listening of the recitation of it, calms the storm I have in my heart and I feel as Allah is speaking directly to me. I find comfort in knowing that no matter what happens, Allah is always there for me, listening to my prayers and guiding me through the life's challenges I'm facing.

"Your Lord has not abandoned you, nor has He become hateful ˹of you˺." [93:3]

When I'm reading this verse, I suddenly become emotional and tears start to flow from my eyes.

"And He find you lost and guided [you],"

I'm crying uncontrollably harder now and can't seem to stop. It feels like all of the pain and sadness I've been carrying inside has finally reached a breaking point.

My chest feels tight, and I can barely catch my breath between my sobs. I try to calm myself down and take a deep breath.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm the worst servant and that my sins are too many to be forgiven. But when I read this verse, I'm reminds me that Allah still loves me and has chosen me to be among those who worship Him. He could have left me astray, but He guided me to the right path and gave me the opportunity to make it to Jannah.

Whenever I think about Allah's mercy and guidance, I feel a sense of warmth and comfort in my heart. It's a reminder that I'm blessed to have been chosen to see the truth and be guided to the right path. I'm so grateful for this gift and it always makes me emotional.

Alhamdulillah for everything, always.

As the first rays of sunlight peeked through my window, I wiped the tears from my eyes and walked over to the window. The rising sun painted the morning sky with a beautiful rosy hue.

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