Chapter 12. An odd woman on the road...

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Yasenia didn't lower her guard until she confirmed that it was dead. She then turned towards Anne and Eve, her tail wagging behind her back like a child wanting to be praised.

Although that expression and actions were truly hard to resist, they still answered truthfully. 'Sorry, Miss.'

Anne started. "Your first frontal charge was completely unnecessary, especially against an enemy with a poisonous breath attack. You were just lucky it didn't use it."

An arrow pierced Yasenias heart, and her tail dropped sadly.

They almost rushed forward to hug her! But, with their trained wills, they stopped themselves.

Eve was even more ruthless. "What was that jump that you did next? Even if it looks good... Can you change directions in the air? Can you even exert half of the strength you can on the ground? Completely unnecessary!"

Now even Yasenia's expression was sad. Anne almost stopped her sister from speaking!

However, chanting in their head that this was for their Miss' well-being, they resisted the impulse of pampering their little Miss.

Eve continued with her pummeling. "Worse, after you opened a wound on its back, why didn't you latch into the open wound with your barbed tail and rip its spine off? You could have won there. Not to mention, after blocking that tail, you did another frontal assault! Good for you that this Komodo dragon was stupid, or you would have been in trouble!"

Yasenia was already on all fours because of all the damage she had taken.

Anna finished her off. "Your redeeming point is the last attack; using your sword to lower its head and then piercing its eye with your tail was good... Of course, that is only if your opponent didn't have a poisonous breath attack! What would you have done if, instead of roaring in pain, it responded by spraying your face full of poison, huh?"

Yasenia was crying and pleading guilty.

Oliver, at the side, was rolling on the ground laughing so hard his stomach hurt.

After that, Yasenia got up and sat by the fire, eating the half-finished food that was already cold because of the time her spiritual beating took.

Anna went behind her and started massaging her shoulders. "Miss, this is only your third real life and death battle. It is already very well fought. Things like thinking about cutting the spine, making faints, and then aiming at the weak points, not to mention the reaction speed when you protected against its tail, are already extremely good."

Yasenia leaned backward because of comfort and used her tail as a balancing measure to continue to eat while getting massaged.

Eve continued. "Not to mention, your opponent was a middle-level, rank-two beast. You must remember that a beast must be attacked by at least three people of the same level. Little Miss, winning or even being able to fight evenly in a strength contest against these kinds of beasts is already abnormal. If I had to describe your combat style, I would call it a humanoid dragon. Not only is your strength abnormal, but the flexibility that your tail gives you in combat is also absurd. Making you like an all-rounded fighter that, instead of average, is good at everything."

Yasenia responded languidly with a smile. "En, continue praising."

Anna and Eve chuckled, and even Oliver joined, making the atmosphere lively. After they finished dinner, Yasenia went to cultivate, taking advantage of the twilight and midnight, then went to sleep. Oliver went to sleep after asking some things Anna and Eva about cultivation.

Like that, they advanced toward the Rita Academy.

When they were nearing the end of the forest, Anna and Eve stopped the cart and looked to the left. Eve said, "Miss, an injured person is two or three kilometers to your left. What should we do? Should we ignore it like before?"

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