Chapter 189. Kali's scarred body.

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After seeing Yasenia's state, they didn't even speak and began working instantly. With the amount of corruption inside her body, Yasenia couldn't hold on for much longer and fainted because of her wounds.

Flora checked Kali and saw that she was perfectly fine, so she changed her focus to Yasenia, helping Anna and Eve where she could. Kali was looking from the side with a sheet around her body. She still hasn't given up her initial intention because of what Anna said. "Miss Kali, don't worry too much. Although her injuries are severe, with our medical mastery, we will be able to drain all the corruption out of her body in half an hour at most. She will just be slightly weakened after that, but there is no reason to stop your intention."

So Kali was watching at the side, her fox tail and ears twitching nervously out of her control. Right now, Kali could feel an enormous amount of energy inside her dantian, but she had suppressed it with her spiritual strength, waiting for Yasenia to recover. She was so focused on Yasenia that she didn't even realize that she had a new extremity and another pair of ears.

Time went by, and Kali saw Anna, Eve, and Flora poking holes in Yasenia to drain the corrupted blood from her body. The main method they were using was acupuncture. The needles were stabbing in various places on Yasenia's naked body and removing that black substance drop by drop.

Yasenia's grey skin tone became whiter, and her breath was also shallower, losing vitality by the second. This was because of the amount of blood loss she was going through. Even if her body had absurd regeneration, it had limits. But no one present was flustered by this because they knew that this was the process they had to go through. Then, after Flora fed Yasenia a sap of some sorts, combined with a blood replenishing pill of the Heaven Grade, her sickly white skin regained its normally creamy color, her tail regained its normal luster, and her breathing came back to normal.

By the time the thirty minutes passed, Yasenia had recovered her flawless constitution and seductive aura. Kali was far from the bed, looking at this with a relieved expression. Anna made one last check and, seeing everything in order, smiled happily. "Young miss has recovered perfectly. There also won't be any aftereffects from this."

Then the three maids bowed and said, "We will let miss Kali continue the night with young miss; if anything happens, please call us."

Kali nodded and said, "Thank you, seniors." They nodded again and left the room.

Yasenia opened her eyes slowly and took a deep breath. Remembering what happened, she sat up and was about to look for Kali. However, when her upper body straightened, she saw someone jumping on her.

Kali had been looking at the woman that was always supporting her, not knowing how to react. But her feelings couldn't help but burst when she saw Yasenia safe and healthy.

Therefore, she jumped forward, tackling Yasenia onto the bed and letting the sheet fall. The two naked bodies collided and fell onto the bed again. The dragoness felt Kali's arms going around her and her face burying in her neck, and she reciprocated, tightening the hug and kissing the side of her face. "I'm here, I'm here. Everything is okay now."

However, even if she was comforting her, Yasenia's attention was on Kali's fluffy fox tail, which was wagging fast, and her fox ears, which were twitching adorably. Moreover, the skin-to-skin contact made her feel Kali's body extremely clear, and their cores were actually touching, making Yasenia release her mating scent subconsciously.

This scent hit Kali like a truck in an explosion of pleasant sensations. After Kali transformed into a beast-human, her olfactory sense and instincts were heightened, so she took the full burn of Yasenia's powerful strength. Worse, the normal scent was already intoxicating, but Yasenia's subconscious release of her mating strength made this multiply.

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