Silver Ecstasy

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I want to take you back. 5 years previous. When I first saw him.

I walked through the doors of the newly opened Converse store and took a deep breath in. It may seem strange but that "new shoes" smell was one that I cherished. It reminded me of happy times when Mum and I would go shoe shopping every Saturday. I could almost picture us. Of course things change and I soon snapped out of my daydream. I walked around and around the aisles. I looked carefully at every single pair. I noticed every little detail. Every little stitch. 

" Aria, get out that horrible converse store and come help me find a new dress". Amy's words sent chills of anger down me, How i had put up with her shit for 5 years was beyond me. I walked out and greeted Amy with a loose hug that had no real meaning behind it.

The next few hours consisted of me being dragged around every high end department store we could find. Amy tried on all these dresses that made her size 6 body look amazing.The shop assistents glared at my black skinny jeans and Blink-182 shirt. I didnt belong here. I didnt belong anywhere.Ever since Mum remarried and my brother Jake moved out nothing was the same. Mum lived to please  my step-dad ( Who is the biggest twat you will ever meet by the way).

Finally we came outside of the shopping centre and sat down on a bench. Amy was sipping her starbucks and talking to me about her boyfriend Brad. I tried to look interested but something else was distracting me. I got up.

" I'll be back in a sec Amy, i just gotta go see something"

I walked up the steps that lead to an outside cafe area and stopped suddenly. The sound was getting louder and closer. I swear I could hear it. I was determined to find the source.

There at the end of the pavement was a boy. His dark hair covered his blue eyes. He strummed his guitar and sang. I noticed his All Time Low top and his Mayday Parade wristband. He was singing Therapy. One of my favourite All Time Low songs. He saw me admiring him and looked up and smiled at me. Shit.

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