1 || All for nothing ||

745 8 7

The day was normal for wxs
They rehearsed some plays, argued over some small things
Now it was 6:30 pm. It was time to go home

[ Rui's POV ]
While i was putting the props away, i was hearing voices from outside , i took a little peek what was doing on
That was Tsukasa, Emu and Nene talking
Ah, maybe i should listen to what they say
Or not..
Well, he did do it
But better he didn't

[ Tsukasa, Nene, Emu ]
It was a long day
Nene and Emu would sigh, in a sign of agreement
And, did you see something weird going on with Rui-kun?
Yeah, and that his ideas got weirder..
Tsukasa would silently nod
Ay! It's not very nice to say that!! Especially, behind his back..
Tsukasa and Nene would agree but not changing their opinion.

( now Rui will talk. And i will use "" this for when he talks out loud and "I" font for mind )
Huh, so they think that i have weird ideas..
He truly knew that but, hearing that from a nice, good childhood friend and person who he likes ( Tsukasa )
was way across the line

For no reason at all, he started tearing up

" w-what...? "

" why am i crying all of the sudden.."

" Its nothing "

He'd wipe the tears off but they would not stop
And the crying got louder and louder

Soon enough, the 'gang' heard it and went out to check what it is

Rui hears the steps going to his side

" no.. i won't let them see me like this "
He ran off
Only leaving the coat behind

When the 'gang' came, the only thing the saw.. was Rui's coat

[ Tsukasa's POV ]
When we heard the weird noice which reminded crying, I took Emu and Nene to see what it is.
While getting there, we heard some very fast footsteps fading away.
We got there and..
" Is it.. Rui's coat? "
" do you think he was here when we.. " he got interrupted by Nene
[ Nene, Emu ]
Yes, he was..
" how do you know that?.. "
Only Rui and Emu can run that fast as the footsteps we heard earlier
" well, its true "
And do you think he heard everything we said, Nene-kun?
I can't answer that one. Because it will be pretty hard to hear what exactly we said from this distance. So, probably not
" i think so too, "

But little did they know, he heard everything
And nothing will be the same

[ Rui's POV ]
Rui's is still running
And unfortunately, it started to rain
" oh, great. Now i can even get a cold "
He was still tearing up after the heard
A lot of thoughts were going into his head

Do they hate me now?

Will they kick me out of the troupe?

Why didn't they tell me this earlier?

All of this caused a headache
And causing Rui to lose balance and fall to the ground

Its raining

He fainted

And no one is there to help him

All alone

The last thought going through his head was:
I did all this for nothing

" I'm.. too weird? "Where stories live. Discover now