11 || One of the happiest and not days of my life ||

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3 weeks and 2 days passed since Tsukasa-kun got sent to the hospital                                          [ Rui's POV ]
Its been 3 weeks. And he should be back today.
Nobody knew what was going on with me because i didn't contact with anyone
I hope i didn't get anyone worrying. Pfft, who would worry about me?
Tsukasa would..
At least i think so
I still had very bad fevers. I couldn't do anything with them because i wasn't even able to move, only roll my head around.
Left-right, left-right
So, i spent 2 weeks in my bed
[ Tsukasa's POV ]
Today was the day i will be able to see Rui and the others again
I fully recovered, and it was possible only because of Rui's help
It was the time for me to go to meet Rui
for the first time in weeks
I was very excited  )^o^(
Well here we go...
I said to myself while opening the door to the house
It was shockingly quiet
Even horrifying at some point
I walked into the house,
It was clean as it never was before
What happened here?..
I thought
I checked everywhere, accept for the Rui's room
But, i didn't notice that
" phew.. where is this weirdo at? "
So, i had truly thought that he was a weirdo
Then I realized that I missed Rui's room
How could I miss that room...
I walked in it to see that
Rui is laying in the bed, sleeping.
And it was 1pm
I walked to him, and touched his forehead.
Just to make sure he was okay
And he wasn't
He had a very bad fever.
So, no one was here for him. No one helped him
He just stayed like this for weeks?...
I started crying, just because i felt bad for Rui.
Rui woke up.
First, he tried to figure out who i was. It was hard since, he had very high temperature. So it took him a while.
I tried not to laugh, because he looked so cute and at the same time very silly.
But when he realized that in was me, he hugged me very tightly
How is he so strong even when sick af?
It was so confusing to me
Then, Rui laughed
I think he just saw my confusion and thought it was funny
I enjoyed seeing him laugh since as i heard from others, he didn't even have the slightest, the smallest smile
So seeing him smile, made my heart to be warm again.
But seeing him in such bad condition made me wanna cry
So i took a good care of him and soon enough he was almost okay
There is just one small thing
His fevers never went away
He just was LYING me in the face
That made me disappointed for a bit but,
he had his own reasons.
I think he just didn't want me to be worried all the time
but doing that by making him suffer for another MONTH was way too dangerous.
I found that out couple of days ago, when it was Sunday
So, i was walking outside with Rui.
Suddenly, i wanted to kiss him on the forehead so badlyyy for some reason.
So i did it.
Then, i understood that something isn't alright.
It was a bit, too warm for a forehead in winter.
So i did it another time. People were looking at us like we were some kind psychopaths
At some point we were psychopaths
Then i asked Rui,
" Rui, are you hiding something from me? "
He looked at me confused. I am not going to lie, that looked super convincing. If i haven't kiss him, i would not suspect a thing.
" Rui, i know you are hiding somethinggg " I said looking at him
" look, we live together, why would i hide something from you?..
he said. That's a good point then, WHY IN FUCK HE IS HIDING SOMETHING.
" Rui, understand, i believe you. I really do. But your forehead is way too warm. And we are walking outside for around 30 minutes.
He would just look straight, avoiding eye contact.
Then, i took his head so he has no choice but to look me in the eyes.
" Rui, tell me the truth, do you still have your fevers going? "
Rui slowly nodded the head closing his eyes to avoid my disappointed stare.
I was really disappointed there.
So we walked home, without talking. Just the sounds of wet snow and cars near us could fill our ears.
I saw the sad impression of Rui. He really has the deadly impressions.
I wanted to cry, and i did.
Rui noticed that right away. He hugged me to make me more comfortable
But i started to cry more
Eh, this man really controls my life
The days are very happy and at the same time, sad
But that's like we lived. Someone lies to each other,
then someone is sad.
And that happened over and over again.
Of course, we had a lot of happy memories together.
But that is another story. A happy story


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