grians secret...

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this is hotguy and cuteguy btw they look like the photo btw. this should be the artist 

there lots of tw wornings so just becareful


3rd pov

grian was one a buidling. it was abandined. he was cuteguy right now. he really just wanted to go home. he had been getting docs creepers out of the city all day. it was sundown. 

"hey cuteguy," grian jumped and looked behind him. it was hotguy. 

"oh hey," grian sighed. he had a crush on hotguy. he didnt know what he looked like with out the mask though. 

"im about to head to my real life. so ill see you later cutie," hotguy then hugged grians waist and left. grian knew he should too. he spreaded his wings and went back to hermit craft. an  hour away. he got back to his base and went to change. he took the paint off his wings and was finnaly grian again. 

"oh the news paper again," grian picked up the newspaper. he started reading it. more of the weird fan clubs. there saving of the city. but some drunky? thats new. he says hes gonna find the cuteguy. said he was gonna do some... unkind stuff. not murder but something dirty. it didnt really scar grian. 

"just another drunky with a big mouth," grian throw the paper in his fire place. the hermits dont know he even goes to the city let alone be a surper hero. he went to the shops to get some books. there he saw every body. 

"listen i didnt mean too! im sorry!" doc said. hermitcraft was a secret. doc almost outed that secret with the creepers. 

"your lucky cuteguy and hotguy dont find this place! the second they do people will follow them! it will be all over the papers then people will take down our homes to build citys!" ren yelled. thats what happened to ren last home. they turned it in to a city after following his father back to there cave. the people found there secret portal which keeped them hidden. they used that to make a new city. ren was the only person not shot while they ran for there lives. 

"ren calm down!" grian walked over. pushing past the people. 

"why?!" ren yelled back. 

"because they wouldnt question it. hotguy and cuteguy will never came here. they will never turn this place in to a city!" grian yelled at him. ren growled. 

"oh please! there heros! only thing they know how to do is be more popular!" ren was anrgy. it hurt grian to think og that. he couldnt say anything though. scar looked hurt too though. weird. 

"ren," grian took a deap breath. "we will be fine. leave it. its fine," ren also took a breath. he nodded. every body walking away. grian felt his watch go off. this was how he knew if the city was in danger. he groaned and ran to change. he got to the city and saw a guy yelling. people looked scared. hotguy walked over to grian. 

"hey cutie whats wrong?" he asked. grian pointed. he groaned. 

"whats your problem!" grian yelled walking over. the guy ran over and tried to punch him. he leaned back though. then the guy pulled out a gun. grian put his hands up. that was the only think he could get away from. bullets. 

"hey!" hotguy went to help but the guy teleported them away. grian was now in a dark room with this random guy. grian backed up till he hit a wall. the guy turned on a light in the middle of the room. grian waited for his eyes to ajust. he saw a campra. it was pointed to him. the guy turned it on. 

"now that the whole world can see!" the guy walked over to him. still pointing the gun at him. "took off the mask!" grian couldnt. 

"show every one who you really are!" the guy yelled. grian shock his head. the guy reatched and pulled off his mask. then throw water on his wings. it was clear who he was now. the guy smiled. he turned off the cembra. grian know what was coming. 

-with the hermits-

all the hermits meet at spawn. they all saw the video. scar meet them. he forgot to change though. 

"hotguy?!" iskall yelled when he saw him. scar took off his mask.  he ignored the gasped. 

"do you want grian back or what? X pull up his comunicator and track it!" scar yelled. he was mad. he was tired. he just wanted grian back. X nodded. still shocked but nodded. 

"i found it," X said sending it to scar. scar thanked him and left. putting his mask back on. he found an old apartment that was very run down. he went in. all the way to the top floor. 

"where are you!" he yelled. it echoed throw the building. till he heard him. 

"help!" it was coming from a closed door. the only closed door. scar busted it down. there was cuteguy, grian? grian. he was unclothed. scar grabbed the drunky and dragged him out of the room. he closed the door though so grian could collect him self. scar took the drunky to the police. after the police took him scar went back up to find grian. 

"grian? can i come in?" he asked. he heard a little yeah and opened the door. cuteguy was full clothes now and in a ball. scar closed the door and sat next to grian. he took off his mask. grian looked shocked. 

"scar?" he said laughing a little. "thats why you where also upset with what ren said," grian laughed some more. 

"alright you ready to go back?" scar asked standing up and reatching his hand out. grian took it and the two put there mask back on. then they left out the back door and went bakc to hermit craft. 

"im so sore," grian said. he was leaning on scar. 

"here," scar put his arms out. grian was confused but walked infont of scar. scar picked him up bridle-style. grians face turned red and they walked to grians base. 


Words: 1029

part 2?? ill need ideas please! 

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