Grian? GRIAN?! (ship and angst)

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"hey any one up for a movie night?" grian sent throw the group chat. 

"im up!" mumbo sent back. scar and ren said the same thing. grian started making popcorn and putting more plankets and pillows in the living room. after a second he heard knocking on the door. 

"coming!" he yelled taking out his wings and floating over. he opened the door and the three all walked in. grian grabbed the popcorn and they started the movie. about hafe way throw the tv changed to breaking news. 

"BREAKING NEWS! the goverment has demded hybrids unsafe and will be checking every where for them so if you see or know of a hybrid please call the police!" the lady said. we all sat there while the movie sat still. 

"mumbo, scar. your not gonna turn us in right?" ren asked. he was a dog hybrid and grian was a some tip of brid hybrid. 

"no! we would never!" scar yelled looking at both of us. mumbo nodded and agread. 

"but there gonna come and find us what are we suppose to do?" grian asked looking at ren then back to scar and mumbo. ren didnt know what to do and same thing with all of them. 

"we can hide you two! grian can hid with scar and ren can hide with me," mumbo said. grian and ren nodded and went to get there stuff. scar went with grian to help him though. 

"cant you just hide your wings?" scar asked. 

"i can but it takes away energy and it makes me really depressd if i do it for over an hour. and i dont know how long they will be searching," grian explained to scar while packing up stuff he would need. he nodded and went back to helping. after they where finsihed thy left to scard base. when they got to scars base, scar showed him a secret room he would be in. grian unpacked it all and he sat on the bed in the corner of the room. 

"you ok?" scar asked sitting next to grian. 

"if they find me," grian stopped and was holding back tears. 

"what grian? you can tell me," scar said putting his hand on grian shoulder to confurt him. 

"if they find me,"  grian took a deep breath, "they'll take away my wings," 

"oh grian," scar said pulling him in to a hug. grian couldnt hold back the tiers any more and let them lose. 

"if i was in a clan then i would be thrown out to die! never to be heard of or speckin of again!" grian cryed. 

"whats a clan?" scar asked trying to calm him down.

"a clan is a lot of bird hybrids and they work like how humans worked before they got brians," grian started explaining, "i used to be in a clan then my mothers wings where taken right in front of me and since we where the highest rank father acted like she was killed and since i was asking to many questions he acted like i died and throw me out and after a few years i ended up here," 

"what happened to you mother?" scar asked.

"well once the wings are gone they bleed out. theres no way to stop the blood," grian said looking down still in scars chest. scar was a little shocked. scars phone started to go off. it was mumbo.

"hey," scar said, "ok dont worry!" scar hung up the phone. 

"what?" grian asked sicne scar looked scared. 

"hide there here!" scar yelled running out the door. he shut it and locked it as grian hid in the corner. he sat there trying to hid but there wasnt really an where to hid. he heard breaking of stuff and yelling and heard foot steps running all over. then the door started to open. grian hid his wings and acted like he was reading. when they open it they asked him to get down stairs on the couch. 

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