C1 - A New World

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A/N: Note,kind of like those StarCraft Zerg fanfics, this story, is going to be likethat, if you're like me and don't like those kinds of stories, then thisprobably isn't the story for you. I didn't like how in some of those Zerg likefics the MC lose their humanity and embrace become the swarm eat everyoneindiscriminately. I'm all for equality, but there's a limit to the morality Ican tolerate in an MC. I like quick to adapt (or find alternative way to cope) characterswho separate themselves from their actions, kind of, but I just can't bringmyself to write a heartless MC who embraces consume everything, withoutflinching or feeling any regret for slaughtering innocents who did nothing towrong them. So here, this guy here, is going to somewhat retain human moralsand his humanity, though his body will be that of a Beckon, he retains hissense of humanity. Though, how long this will last as he cannot speak, thoughhe can extend his will to the other parasitic forms, perhaps he can try, but hewill likely fail. After all, this is Escape & Run, parasites, not Speak& Fun, parasites. When you see them, you run, as much as it pains me, therewill be character death, there will be times the MC can't save someone he caredabout and further loses his sense of humanity to give into the more...monstrous and efficient nature of the extension of the collective. Every loss,makes him lose his sanity, could he maintain it? Well, as everyone knows, youcan't save everyone, especially when the collective is smart enough torecognize weakness. That, and not everyone's gonna look at him and say,"Oh yeah he looks nice." so even if he tries to be good, this will bea slow descent into accepting who he is. So it's not like I'll avoid thecollapse, but it'll be gradual, and they'll be coping as best they can.

This story is also for myself because I wanted a story about Scape & Run but the only two fanfics in existence have been on hiatus for some time. But there are some nice YT series. They're cool, but I want me a story so, this is kind of self-serving.


Isekai, a word used so commonly I'm fairly certain people on the internet who know of anime, or manga, or light novels, should have heard this word at least once. Odds are social media celebrities mentioned it, once, probably. Point is, I didn't believe it.

Until I found myself, well, let's just say I didn't quite, die. Unless someone hit my car in the middle of the night, I was just sleeping in my car, in a parking lot. Cheaper than paying for a dorm.

But unlike isekai, I got nothing. No otherworld deity, just, suddenly darkness.

I know I'm awake, I can feel what must be my body. I thought this was a dream at first, until some wild coyote looking creature decided I looked like a nice thing to bite. Pain in my dreams, isn't like real pain. I felt legitimate pain. I'm quick to adapt to situations, even stuff as crazy as this, I guess.

I mean, I just wanted it gone, because all I got are four small tentacle appendages shielding my green little core. I feel like a big flower, an ugly big flower. I feel rather, unique. No word describes how this feels.

I can't see in the normal sense, but when I wanted that thing gone, I summoned forth these things that were identified to my mind as "Rupters". They managed to quite literally tear apart the canine. Now these four critters, are the most alien looking things that remind me of a certain parasitic organism from a popular first person shooter back in the day, combat evolved.

I can see from their perspective if I so wish, control them directly need be. But just giving them detailed orders is fine enough.

But, what am I? Oh wait, I think I know, I'm one of those Beckons aren't I?

Now that the shock has settled down, I... realized I was one of those parasytes from that mod in Minecraft. As bad as this situation is, I had already gotten over the initial shock, I needed to find out where I am, what I need to do. So, I felt the extensions of my brood, and ordered the Rupters of mine, only four, to scout the area. I was located inside a cave, and I wanted to know where the entrances are and where the tunnels lead, to plan for any possible intrusions into my comfort zone.

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