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Hello my lovely guys gals and Non-binary pals! I hope you like this one I'm going to be announcing something soon about how I'm going to schedule my books. That is if I didn't already. So hopefully I finish that with in the weekend. Plus homework. But, enough of that for now let's get on with the book!(BTW I don't know if I have said this but the Stan Twins are 68 and the Young Pines Twins are 19 and Clover is 20 and is almost 21 in a week or so.)

~A.C.E'S PoV~

"Is something wrong or are you going to let go of my arm?" He asked looking me in the eyes. I averted my gaze to my hand, I don't know why but I couldn't let go.

"I'm sorry but, I can't let go." I said shaking.

"Hey. It's alright take all the time you need. You've been through alot with in the past 2-3 hours." He said calmly sitting on the bed.

"It's just before I crashed I saw something. It was... actually never mind. You probably would think I'm crazy." I said looking down feeling like I was going to cry. Why would he believe me; I saw a huge hand almost crush my car when I tried to leave this crazy town.

"Why would I think that?" He said looking at me genuinely puzzled.

"Well..... before I crashed, there was this huge hand that full on punched the road. So I swerved and run smack dab in between two trees." I said waiting for him to start yelling and leave. But, what I expected was not what happened.

He...he started laughing!? Why is he laughing it's not funny, I almost died!

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh." He said wiping some tears from his eyes. "That's just Steve. He did the same with my car when I first got here too. Except I wasn't in the car. Creaters like him made me want to stay here and study the weird happenings of this town. I guess he is doing the same to you." Ford said with a soft smile.

"But why?" I asked I just then realized that I had my contacts in to hide my eyes.

"I dont know." He said looking down at the grown thinking.

"Are you okay now?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"I mean as good as I'll ever be when you see your life flash before your eyes." I said twiddling with the flower headband on my head that was falling apart, due to the crash.

"That's a fare response." He said looking down. "You need sleep. You've had a long day and we still have a lot to do tomorrow. Good night Clover." He said looking me in the eyes with a calm face.

"But now I'm not tired." I said in a whiney voice. I pouted to try and persuade him to let me stay up.

"No. Mabel does that way to often for me to give in to puppy eyes. Now go to bed." He said sternly.

"Heheh~ Never!" I said getting and bolting to the door, through the living room and out the front door. Ford ran after me yelling my name.

"Clover get back here!" He shouted.

"Alright fine." He was really close to me when we were running so when I stopped and turned around. We collided.

He was on top of me while my back was on the ground. One of his six fingered hands was underneath my head to stop my head from getting hurt. While his hand was tangled in my green curls my hands were around his neck to try and not land on the ground. But clearly that didn't work.

We looked at each other. Till he said something that made my mouth drop.

"Gotch ya!" Said with a sly smirk plastered on his face. How dare he!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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