Passion between Rivals

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Oikawa x Ushijima (smut)

Its was a nice and warm Saturday morning when Oikawa was on his way to his rival Ushijima Wakatoshi's house in Sendai. It was also quite humid, so much that the air around him was stifling and heavy. The sky overhead was an endless stretch of white and blue. The world around was muted colors of brown and beige, except for the trees which were still lush green from the last few raindrops. Birds sang happily and flapped their wings as they flew between the leaves. There was not even any wind. Everything felt peaceful, almost idyllic.

But then Oikawa remembers that he has to spend the whole weekend with Ushijima. He is absolutely not happy to spend his free time with his rival and enemy. And he really does not want to see any of this. Oikawa wants to go back home and stay there alone, reading some books or watching tv. But he will have to put up with this for the sake of appearances. It would be embarrassing if Iwaizumi found out that his friend was spending the entire weekend with his rival. So here he stands, trying his best not to grimace at the sight before him.

Ushijima lives pretty close to Sendai, but just far enough from it to give Oikawa a headache. However, he knows that if he waits any longer, it would only make things worse and make his head hurt more. So, with that thought on mind, he trudges on toward his rival's neighborhood. Even though he feels like throwing up. He does not know why, though, because he hasn't eaten anything yet. Well, technically, he did eat breakfast. Maybe it's nerves or something. He doesn't know. His stomach is churning with anxiety. He can hear his heart beating fast against his chest, like a frightened rabbit. He isn't scared of Ushijima—they've fought many times before, after all. He has seen how powerful his opponent is and has always been able to hold his own. No. He's worried about what might happen once they are face to face. He wonders if Ushijima has planned something for them, if he will try to hit him or kill him or do whatever else he is capable of.

Oikawa finally arrives at Ushijima's house, a large japanese styled house. He rings the doorbell, waiting patiently. A few seconds later, Ushijima answers the door and Oikawa immediately regrets going through with this. Ushijima's eyes narrow at the sight of him.  His gaze is calculating and cold and Oikawa hates him for it. He doesn't know why, but seeing Ushijima looking at him like this makes him feel very uncomfortable. Like something bad is going to happen to him. Or maybe like someone is going to die. Whatever that could mean.
Before he can think too hard about it, Ushijima steps aside and gestures towards his home. "Come inside," he says. Oikawa stares blankly at Ushijima for several seconds, wondering what kind of trick he is playing on him. Finally, he nods hesitantly and walks into his rival's home. Ushijima closes the door behind them, leaving him alone in the entryway, with nowhere to go.

The hallway is huge and open, decorated mostly in neutral tones. Large windows cover the walls, revealing the outdoors to the rest of the house. The floors consist of wooden beams, the wood polished smooth by long wear. There are various family photos hanging above the stairs to their left. Oikawa sees one featuring a woman with black hair who looks exactly like Ushijima. Beside her is another photo that shows her standing beside a taller male with brown hair, wearing a suit. They must be Ushijima's parents. Oikawa notices that they look very similar.

Ushijima leads Oikawa to his study room. It is spacious, well furnished and full of shelves upon shelves of books. The desk sits in the center of the space, surrounded by two armchairs and three comfortable looking couches. On the walls hung some posters of famous volleyball players.
Then Oikawa sees it. The amount of paperwork. The paperwork Ushijima and Oikawa have to do over the weekend.

Oikawa's shoulders droop down as he realizes that this isn't going to be as fun as he had hoped. This week's plan had called for a couple hours of intense training and an afternoon nap, both of which seemed impossible now that he thinks about it.

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