Beach day

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Oikawa x Ushijima (angst, smut, fluff)

The team from Aoba Johsai decides to pull a prank on their captain Oikawa. They decide to ignore him and pretend that he isn't here for a week. It's just so they can have as much fun with the poor guy as possible. He always tries so hard to get along with them, especially Iwaizumi who has no respect for authority whatsoever even when he knows the other boy is being genuine. But this time, his efforts are not enough. Oikawa has had enough of the team messing with him, even if he hasn't said anything about it yet.
And the problem is simple: none of them actually listen to him. They ignore his orders like there's no tomorrow, they joke around and act as if he's invisible. Oikawa doesnt understand why they ignore him and why his boyfriend Iwaizumi is openly flirting with his twin sister In front of his eyes. Oikawa doesn't know how to feel right now.
His mind is swirling with thoughts that he can't even put into words. The whole situation is so wrong that it makes Oikawa question everything he's known his entire life. He feels lost and confused but at the same time angry that he can' t see things clearly. He's tired.
And when they have a match against Shiratorizawa they even forget about him and drive to Sendai without him. Oikawa thinks about how he gets to Sendai and he wants to cry. Walking quietly to the nearest bus station and waiting. It makes him even more upset than he already was, because he doesn't deserve to be forgotten over. But then again, who really deserves any attention anyways?
When the team from Aoba Johsai arrives at Sendai, the team from Shiratorizawa wonders where Oikawa is. They asks Iwaizumi and he pretends not know who Oikawa is. He continues to flirt with Oikawa's twin sister. The team from Shiratorizawa is confused why Iwaizumi flirts with Oikawa's sister when Iwaizumi is in a relationship with Oikawa. When Oikawa finally shows up, he sees his boyfriend flirting eith his sister, who makes his life a living hell. He yells something like "you guys!" but Iwaizumi ignores him and continues with his flirting, which annoys Oikawa beyond reason and anger him to the point where he wants to punch Iwaizumi in the face. Even the team from Shiratorizawa is mad at them for how they treat their captain. And they can't believe it when Aoba Johsai doesn't acknowledge Oikawa and even play without him. They can see the tears in his eyes.
He's hurt but mostly angry. His feelings get hurt but at the same time he doesn't understand why the others don't give a shit about him. Why would they do that?
They even talk about their plans to go to the beach together as a team and completely ignore Oikawa. It hurts and all Oikawa can think about is how the whole team just abandoned him to his own devices. The feeling is almost unbearable. But the team from Aoba Johsai is still talking about going to the beach as a group and Oikawa doesn't want to ruin that moment by complaining. They would ignore him anyway. And his heart breaks into millions of pieces when Iwaizumi starts kissing Oikawa's sister in front of him. The team from Aoba Johsai congratulating them for their relationship. They also congratulate themselves and their volleyball team for getting a new captain. Leaving the gym and Oikawa behind.
The team from Shiratorizawa is speechless, not knowing what to say about how Aoba Johsai treats Oikawa.
How their team abandoned their captain when they were supposed to work together. And even worse, how Iwaizumi openly cheated on Oikawa and replaced him with someone else.
They can see Oikawa fighting to hold back the tears.
Tendou slowly approaches Oikawa. Wrapping his arms around him and holding him. This breaks Oikawa and he starts crying. He lets himself fall onto Tendou, sobbing uncontrollably. Tendou hugs him tightly, rubbing Oikawa's back comfortingly as he cries. He's trying his best to calm down the  captain. Trying to make him stop crying so loudly that everyone could hear. But he can't help it. There is so much pain inside him. So much sadness. So much anger. So much confusion. He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know how to help Oikawa. He doesn't know how to fix this. But for now he is just gonna stay by his side and hug him until he calms down.
Oikawa stops crying after several minutes, sniffing wetly as he rests his head onto Tendou's shoulder. Tendou rubs Oikawa's back, trying to calm him down. Oikawa's breathing is ragged as he tries to catch his breath. Tendou looks at him worriedly. He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know how to help Oikawa. The rest of the team slowly approaching them. But they're too afraid to touch Oikawa, fearing what he will do to them after crying. But Oikawa needs some comforting and Tendou will do whatever it takes.
Oikawa looks at the team from Shiratorizawa apologetically. "Sor—"He says but the word catches in his throat. He closes his mouth and tries again. "Thank you. I...I needed this."
Tendou smiles softly. He doesn't need to ask to know that Oikawa means for this. "It'll be okay. You won't be alone. We won't let them win easily."
The team from Shiratorizawa comes closer, hesitantly touching Oikawa as if he might break at any moment. It seems they aren't used to seeing Oikawa acting this way. But they can't deny that the tears streaming out of Oikawa's eyes makes them pity the boy. If only there were something that could make him smile or laugh like they did before. Then maybe everything would be alright.
But there isn't. Oikawa is sad, defeated. Broken. Lost. Hurt. And they know they should've stayed. But the team from Shiratorizawa didn't. Not really. Not properly, anyway.
"We won't let anything happen to you, Oikawa. Please don't worry, we'll protect you, no matter what." They whisper reassuringly, while petting Oikawa's head. Tendou nods silently, agreeing with them. "We won't let Aoba Johsai treat you like that. We know that you probably don't want to hear it but maybe it's time to leave your old team and join a new one. You such a skilled setter, we could need someone like you."
Oikawa nods weakly, accepting what Tendou tells him without saying another word. He's lost his voice and his brain. All he can do now is nod weakly and accept what they tell him.
They are right. They wouldn't let Aoba Johsai mess with him ever again.
The coach from Shiratorizawa drives Oikawa home. The ride is silent. Till the coach tells Oikawa to think about transferring to Shiratorizawa. The way Aoba Johsai treats him is not good for his mental health amd the he would increase his skills at Shiratorizawa. Of course Oikawa agrees and thanks the coach. He's been thinking about transfer for months and he finally managed to come to terms with it. It's better for his health and for his relationships to be separated anyway. Besides, it's not as though his boyfriend Iwaizumi cares about him anymore. Not after the cheating. He doesn't care about being with him anymore. That much he is sure.
He's sad and broken but at least he understands the truth now.
Oikawa stays quiet until the car stops outside his home. His parents already waiting for him.  He looks at his parents sadly, smiling slightly. They both look at him worriedly. His father sighs and pulls him into a hug. Oikawa accepts it happily and allows himself to be hugged by his family. They always try so hard to support him and cheer him up. They don't push him to do anything. They already punished his sister for the cheating and sending her to a strict only girls school.
"Are you alright son?" his mother asks.
Oikawa nods his head, looking down and smiling softly. His mother caresses his cheek lightly, making him look at her.
"What happened?" she asks.
Oikawa breaks in tears again. Sobbing loudly as he tells them everything. How they ignore him, how they pretend that he isn't there, how they left without him for the match and how his boyfriend Iwaizumi cheated on him with his twin sister right before his eyes. Oikawa tells them about how he feels betrayed and how he wishes that people from the team from Aoba Johsai would notice him. He wants to be noticed.
His mother hugs him tight as she pats his back. She caresses his hair gently, comforting him. Her hand strokes his hair as she talks to him soothingly. "You know, son, sometimes you just have to move on."
Oikawa laughs a little bitterly and whispers: "Why?"
His mother sighs again, taking his face in between her hands. She wipes off his tears carefully before kissing his forehead. "Because...sometimes it's not worth the pain you feel for what they habe done. But maybe it's time to leave them behind and have a new start somewhere else."
Oikawa thinks about it for a few seconds before giving a slight nod. He knows his mother has a point. And maybe it's time to move on. To find a team that he trusts. Who respects his position and who doesn't abandon him after what they had done. To build a new team for him. One where they all care about each other and where nobody treats each other differently than anybody else. He gives a small smile as his parents smile back at him proudly. They love him so much and he loves them so much too. He will be fine. He will be able to move on eventually. But he will miss having his old friends beside him. Maybe he will see them again someday. But that's in the future.
"Come on son. Let's get inside. Your mom is already cooking."
While dinner Oikawa tells them anout the offer from Shiratorizawa and how they eamt him on their team.
His parents encouraging him to take this chance. Maybe he finds a new love there. Maybe someone like the good looking captain Ushijima.
Oikawa blushes. "Mom! Don't say stuff like that." He tries to sound serious and angry, but he fails miserably and ends up chuckling.
His mother laughs too, pulling her son close to her. "That's my son!"
"You two are ridiculous." Oikawa says, rolling his eyes. But still laughing.
Over the next days Oikawa decides to transfer to Shiratorizawa and leaving his old team behind. The team and coach gets informed that Oikawa will join them. They welcome him warmly. Oikawa walks into  the gym wearing his new uniform.
"I don't want to say anything but purple and our uniform actually suits you Oikawa." Semi says. "You're going to be our setter now."
Oikawa laughs. "Yes. Because the coach said you guys would never admit to being wrong when you're playing against me. And honestly, the only thing I wanted was for the team to acknowledge me."
Semi playfully rolls his eyes. "As if I would ever doubt you."
Oikawa grins. He likes these guys.
Oikawa sits near the middle of the volleyball court with the others. The coaches sit across from him. Tendou is sitting right next to him, playing with his fingers. Ushijima and Semi sit next to each other, playing with their phones. Oikawa is glad to have them all by his side. The others have been very nice to him. He knows why they did it and he knows that they all feel sorry for him. He appreciates it.
When it's time for the first set he's nervous. The others are cheering him.
"Good luck!" Semi yells from the stands. Oikawa smiles softly at him. "Go Oikawa! Show us who you truly are!"
Oikawa lets his lips curl into a soft smile as he sets his foot on the floor and starts to play.
He plays the ball perfectly. Making a perfect toss. Every spike hits its mark. Oikawa keeps practicing. As he continues, more spikes starts coming out from his fingertips.
After a few hours, Oikawa has become a really good at volleyball. His teammates cheers and praise him for what he did during the last set.
He even talks to his old rival Ushijima, who is his new captain now. Oikawa manages to make Ushijima laugh out loud. Something no one could do before. Oikawa smiles brightly at him. He is happy to see his best friend again.
"I knew you'll become great at volleyball." Ushijima says. "And you're right, it's time to move on."
Oikawa smiles. "Thank you, captain."
Ushijima nods. "Let's go now." He says, standing up and looking around.
They walk down to the bench together, talking quietly to eachother. Oikawa listens closely to Ushijma's words. He's so grateful that he transferred to Shiratorizawa. He has the time of his life there, making new friends, getting better at Volleyball. Finally feeling like he belongs somewhere.
At the same time his old team from Aoba Johsai wonders where Oikawa is. He doesn't come to school, to practice and doesn't read their messages. It's like he vanished from earth. But they don't know that Oikawa transferred to Shiratorizawa. They went to Oikawa's house to ask his parents where he his.
"Miss Oikawa, do you know where Tooru is? He doesn't cone to school or practice. And he doesn't read our messages." Iwaizumi asked.
They only got an angry glare from Oikawa's mother.
"I am not telling you where my son is. You hurt him in any way possible and he is at a better place now. And don't even think about going near him again." She says coldly.
"We're worried about him and want to know where he is and if he is fine." Iwaizumi said.
"As if you care about my son. You treat him horrible. To ignore him all week and even forgetting to take him along to a match. You insult and hit him all the time. You call him annoying and selfish. And you even dared to cheat on my sunshine with his own twin sister. Oikawa is at a better school with a better tram that cares about him. Get out of my sight Iwaizumi and never go near my child again."
She yelled angrily.
"But..." Iwaizumi started.
"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! Or else I'm kicking you out myself! I don't want to see you again Iwaizumi Hajime!" she yelled.
Iwaizumi stared at Oikawa's mother with wide eyes before turning around and walking away without uttering another word. He misses Oikawa and wants him back. But not because of Oikawa's sister but because of himself. Because he made him cry and felt bad about it. And now he can't help himself but to think about Oikawa, worrying about him.
Tendou, Semi, Oikawa and Ushijima are hanging out. Talking and laughing about about stupid things. Like boys and girls. About crushes, kisses, feelings, love and so on.
They decide to go out shopping afterwards. To celebrate their win. They need some new uniforms anyway. Semi goes for something black and white while Tendou is shopping for a pair of jeans with green stripes, red shoes and a light blue jacket. Ushijima is searching for something simple yet stylish for himself and a hoodie for Oikawa.
Tendou approaches Oikawa and puts his arm around his shoulder teasingly. "Hey handsome~" He winks flirtatiously at his friend knowing that Ushijima gets jealous when someone flirts with Oikawa.
Oikawa shakes his head slightly amused and giggles lightly. "What do you want?" He asks, looking at his friend straight in the eye. He knows Tendou won't hurt him. Even though he's just teasing him. But he can still act tough whenever he wants to. Just because Tendou isn't a threat.
"Just wanted to talk to you for a second."
"About what?"
"How about you and Ushiwaka?" He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. Oikawa laughs. That question always used to irritate Oikawa because he didn't understand why Tendou always asked him that kind of questions. So now he knows the reason why. "Didn't think I'd hear this question. Guess your little crush has grown bigger huh?"
Oikawa rolls his eyes playfully. "Shut up Tendou. Besides we're just friends."
"Sure...sure...." Tendou drawls sarcastically before laughing. "Whatever you say."
Tendou then leaves him alone to go find the other three. Oikawa looks at him for a moment before shaking his head, smiling amusedly. He couldn't believe Tendou thinks about them like that. He is not even sure what Tendou is saying sometimes.
Oikawa joins them. They buy some snacks before heading home and eating it on the couch while watching movies on the TV. After watching a few movies, Oikawa falls asleep leaning against Ushijima, who falls asleep shortly after. Tendou and Semi make pictures to tease them when they wake up.
Semi makes the picture of Oikawa asleep, while Tendou takes the picture of Oikawa sleeping, while holding onto Ushijima. The two look so cute together. Semi makes a picture of Oikawa and Ushijima cuddled up together. Ushijima holding Oikawa tightly in his arms while Oikawa snuggles closer to Ushijima's warm body. Hiding his face into his broad chest.
It makes Semi and Tendou laugh hysterically.
The picture turns out beautiful. Oikawa's hair covering most of Ushijimas face and neck, and their legs entangled. Ushijima's cheek resting on top of Oikawas' head while Oikawa's arm slung across his torso loosely. They send the pictures into their group chat. They chat about how Oikawa's crush on their captain and how their captain returns those feelings.
"You two should've seen how much Oikawa will be embarrassed when we show them."
"They're so whipped for each other."
"Maybe they're just dating."
"Yeah, maybe. Either way, they deserve each other."
"They both should get laid sometime soon though."
"Ew. What the hell, Tendou?!"
"Come on man. Everyone needs it sometimes. Don't tell me you haven't thought about it?"
"Of course not." Semi said dismissively.
"If I was in your position I would probably think about it too." Tendou smirked. Semi rolled his eyes. "Stop being a pervert." He snapped.
"Ohoho, you have no idea how much I wish I had that courage." Tendou grinned happily.
"Gross." Semi groaned.
They continue joking about the situation.
The next day Oikawa wakes up and sees the messages. The photos Semi and Tendou took while they were sleeping. Oikawa blushes furiously. Waking up Ushijima, who looks at him with sleepy eyes.
"Why did you wake me up?" He asks with his deep morning voice.
"They made pictures of us while we were sleeping." Oikawa replies.
Ushijima hummed and pulled Oikawa closer to him, wrapping him in his strong arm. Oikawa smiled softly. He feels safe in Ushijimas arms. Warm and content. Ushijima is his personal heater. He closes his eyes, snuggling deeper into Ushijimas embrace and falling asleep once again.
The end of school is upon them, and they're preparing themselves for tomorrow. There's a lot of preparation needed for tomorrow. The coach allowed the team to go to the beach together. Oikawa is excited about that because he loves to swim.
He's already packed up and ready. Getting changed, putting on his swimsuit. He stands in front of the mirror checking out his outfit. The short sleeved shirt fits his shoulders perfectly and it hugs his waist nicely. His shorts are loose fitting and stretchy. It's comfortable and it gives him good mobility. It reminds him a lot of his old training clothes.
After making sure everything is perfect, he goes down stairs. All his teammates are already downstairs waiting for him. They walk out of the house together, taking with them towels. Oikawa is glad they decided to swim today. It' easier than taking a bus as everyone is already wearing suits.
They reach the beach and set their stuff on the sand.
Everyone went under water quickly. Some diving deep and others playing around on the beach. Some splashing each other and others swimming.
Some sunning and others relaxing. Some playing volleyball and others surfing.
Some of the members try to catch some crabs, which doesn't really work out. Most of them fail miserably.
Oikawa sitting under beach umbrella while talking to Tendou. Watching how the sun shines brightly over the beach. Enjoying how the sea breeze caresses his skin and the sound of waves crashing against the shore fills the air.
Sitting there and having fun like the rest of his teammates. Making memories and enjoying each others company.
And seeing Ushijima come out of the water with his surfboard. Oikawa blushes when he sees Ushijima's strong and muscular body. And he cam see how big his cock is through the tight swim suit. The sight makes his heart speed up. He smiles at the view.
"Are you okay? Your cheeks are bright red." Tendou says.
"Am not." He denies shyly.
"Yes you are." Tendou states confidently with an evil smirk and starts tickling Oikawa. "Tell me what happened between you and Ushijima!"
"Tendou please stop!" Oikawa screams between laughter and struggles to free himself from Tendou's grasp.
"No! Tell me!" Tendou continues laughing.
"Stop it!!!"
"Never~You have a crush on him. Don't you~"
"Stop it!!!!"
Finally he succeeds freeing himself from Tendou's grip. As soon as he does he stands up from the ground. He runs away, laughing as he does.
But the other is fast and he catches up with Oikawa. Grabbing his wrist he pulls Oikawa to face him and tries to tickle him again.
"Tendou stop!!" Oikawa yells between laughs.
He manages to break loose and turns to run away. He's almost reaching the end of the beach. Tendou follows him closely. Oikawa trips on his feet and falls on the soft sand. When he looks back, Tendou tackles him to the ground and begins tickling him mercilessly.
"Ahh..stop..ahh..stop itttttt!" Oikawa wheezes loudly as he writhes under the taller teen.
Tendou chuckles lowly. "You know what? Maybe I will stop. But let's make Ushiwaka jealous."
Oikawa likes the idea.
If Ushijima is here, Tendou wouldn't be able to do anything to him right now. And that means he'll get his revenge later.
"I want you to kiss him."
Oikawa's eyes widen but his lips automatically form into a small smile. Knowing exactly what to do. He slowly pushes Tendou off him, getting back on his knees as he does. He slowly crawls forward to where Ushijima is standing. Tendou watches curiously as his best friend approaches their captain.
"What are you doing?" Ushijima asks curiously.
"Nothing. Just wanted to see you." Oikawa winks playfully before stopping infront of Ushijima. He leans down a bit closer until he's only a breath or two away from Ushijima, staring into his eyes intensely.
"By the way you look really hot in your swim suit~" Kissing Ushijima's cheek and walking away. Leaving him and the team stunned.
"Wakatoshi.." Semi breathes.
Ushijima stares blankly ahead as he touches his cheek in disbelief. He can feel warmth spreading all over his body. A smile spreads across his face unconsciously as he walks away.
Oikawa smirked evilly at the reaction he gave the other. "I did what you told me to do, happy now?"
His best friend didn't reply. He just keeps smiling happily.
"What did I tell you to do?" Tendou asked after a long pause.
Oikawa grins devilishly. "To make Wakatoshi jealous."
But he doesn't notice Ushijima coming towards him from behind. Quickly picking Oikawa up and walking towards their hotel with Oikawa on his shoulder. The team knows what is going to happen now.
"He's gonna get his ass fucked by Ushijima"
"I pray for his ass."
Ushijima puts Oikawa down on their bed, starring at him with lust.
Oikawa stares back and giggles quietly. "Didn't expect you to suddenly be, huh? I mean, look at you, Wakatoshi." Oikawa gestures at Ushijima's entire body. "Sexy. Hot. Muscular. Handsome." He continued listing more things. "Your abs are so freaking big. Like your cock."
Oikawa's mouth drops open as soon as the words leave his lips. That last part was meant for himself. He blushes deep red. His breathing becomes rapid as Ushijima approaches him. His hands start trailing slowly down Oikawas torso.
Oikawa's eyes close tightly as he shivers slightly at Ushijimas touch.
Ushijima moves his hands lower still. Moving slowly.
Staring at Oikawa's beautiful face in admiration. His hand finds its way inside Oikawas pants and cups his dick slowly.
It takes only seconds until Oikawa lets out an involuntary whimper as pleasure started pulsing through his veins.
Ushijima smirks and kisses Oikawa's neck. Slowly working his hand up and down.
"Fuck." Oikawa moans as Ushijima continues massaging him.
"Say my name."
"Nghhh-" Oikawa gasps in surprise when Ushijima's tongue swipes against his neck lightly.
He opens his eyes and stares back at Ushijima. His head tilts and he arches his back. The sight alone causes him to moan louder.
Ushijima smirks satisfied at the effect he has on him. He places a gentle kiss on his lips. Their tongues dancing together as they deepen the kiss.
They pull away and stare into each other's eyes. Their foreheads resting on each other's.
"God, you've made me weak. Do it again." Oikawa begs quietly.
Ushijima chuckles softly at his statement. Kissing him again. This time, moving his tongue along with Oikawa' s in exchange. Stroking him softly, making slow moves. His fingers tracing over Oikaws member as his thumb rubs circles around his tip.
"Ahnnn...Haa....Wakatoshi..." Oikawa whispers while gripping his shoulders.
"Shh don't speak. Let me show you how much i love you" Ushijima responds, pressing one last kiss onto Oikawas lips before kissing his neck once again. His hand moving slowly between his legs and inside his boxers.
He feels Oikawa's hips move slightly, trying to help him to go faster. He presses himself against the boy, letting out a small moan when he finally gets in. Fingers gliding over Oikawas length, stroking slowly up and down.
"Please take me...please fuck me...please..."
Ushijima moves his mouth slowly from Oikawas neck, down to his chest. His kisses getting hungrier and hungrier the further he goes down. He feels hot breath fanning his neck and hears Oikawas heavy breathing. He can feel him bucking up to meet his thrusts. Feeling Oikawas hard penis rubbing against his own.
He stops moving and places his lips softly below Oikawas ear. "Don't hold back. I need to hear you moan louder than I heard that first time." He growls in his ear huskily, leaving Oikawas earlobe with wet kisses.
A soft moan escapes Oikawas throat and he starts bucking up once more.
Ushijima smirks, slowly pushing a finger inside of Oikawa.
"Ah...Wakatoshi.." He gasps.
He feels his member twitch. He pushes another finger in and Oikawas body shakes violently. His walls tightening around his fingers and releasing them as he clenches around them.
"Good boy." Ushijima praises Oikawas loud moans as he continues pumping his fingers in and out of his boyfriend.
"Haaaaa..Haa....Ssshhh....Wakatoshi..." He says between his moans, biting his lip to stifle his sounds.
Soon Oikawa comes with a loud scream. His body wriggles and jerks in Ushijimas arms as he releases his load into his hand. With both hands he wraps them around Oikaws waist and brings him even closer so he could bury his face on Oikawas chest. He holds him tight and kisses his sweaty skin every now and then.
Ushijima slowly positions himself between Oikawa's legs. His shaft pressed firmly against his core. He slides into Oikawa's hole easily. They both moan in unison.
"That feels amazing." Oikawa murmurs. His hand cupping the nape of Ushijima's neck and pulling him in for a deep kiss. "I love you, Ushiwaka."
Ushijima smiles as he kisses Oikawa deeply and roughly. His other hand grabbing Oikawas dick, rubbing it harshly as if he's trying to find the right spot.
Oikawa groans loudly when Ushijima starts pounding inside him roughly.
"Do you want me to stop?" He growls. Pulling away from the kiss to ask the question.
"Nooo. No please don't stop." Oikawa whimpers loudly, gripping Ushijima's neck tighter.
"You sure about that?" Ushijima questions. He starts moving even harder.
"Yes! Yes!! Fuck!!" Oikawa shouts, gripping Ushijima's hair tightly as he thrusts into him even harder, throwing his head back and throwing his head back in pure pleasure.
"Come for me, Oikawa. Make me cum too~" He encourages, feeling his own climax building inside of him too.
Oikawa whimpers. Pleasing himself even more by moaning loudly as Ushijima thrusts harder and faster into him.
Ushijima can no longer contain his release. Cumming inside of Oikawa quickly. The sound filling the room along with his warm cum.
Oikawa falls apart after Ushijima comes inside of him, holding his shoulders as if he were keeping him steady. Both of them panting heavily and staring at each other intensely.
"Ready for round 2" Oikawa asks in his raspy voice.
Ushijima huffs in amusement. Not surprised that the boy would try that tactic with him after all those times he said it before. "We'll see about that." And proceeds to fuck him senseless. The team from Shiratorizawa hearing everything.
"I told you that he gets his ass fucked."
Tendou yells excitedly as he high fives his best friend Semi. They hear Oikawa's moans and cry throughout the whole evening.
The next day Oikawa wakes up and feels sore.
Not that he doesn't always sleep in anyway. But the amount of fucking he did yesterday wasn't very good for him. Plus, Ushijima is a really horny man sometimes.
But he doesn't complain. He likes being with his boyfriend after all. Even though today was rough on him. The team knew what happened last night. He didn't have to tell them himself. They already figured it out. And it wasn't just anyone who came to their bed. It was Ushijima Wakatoshi himself.
He remembers the first night Ushijima fucked him. It had been a surprise when Ushijima went in without a condom.
They spent the rest of the night fucking.
Afterwards they laid down on the bed for hours. Not saying anything else after they finished their makeout session. They fell asleep tangled together.
When Oikawa wakes up the second time, it's to find himself naked under the blankets in the same position they left off in last night. Except this time he is wrapped around Ushijima instead of him. He buries his face in his neck, smiling happily at the fact that he woke up in his boyfriend's arms.
Oikawa sighs contently and closes his eyes. Resting peacefully. His mind drifting to other thoughts and memories.
"Good morning." He hums happily as he looks at Ushijima.
"Morning." He replies leaning forward to give him a kiss. A short but sweet one.
"Sleep well?"
"Like a baby." Oikawa answers. Getting comfortable in his boyfriend's embrace.
"I think it will be a long day for practice." Ushijima states.
Oikawa nods.
They get out of bed, stretching lazily. Grabbing the clothes scattered over the floor. They decide to just change into casual attire. Ushijima walks towards the bathroom while Oikawa sits on the bed. He stares off into space thinking about last night's events.
He was able to enjoy himself. For once since his relationship with Ushijima started, he felt free.
He smiles to himself when he thinks about how he finally felt happy and complete.
He looks down at the ring on his left hand and frowns slightly. It still makes him sad thinking about his past. About losing Iwaizumi and the team.
But now he has a much better team and a hot, loving boyfriend. Who also happens to be his soulmate.
And it all came together perfectly.

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