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Working on bus seat 🤭—^

"Well I dunno. I haven't really lived here for more than three days." I said, as the elevator doors opened.

Me and Tubbo walked out.

"Well... huh that puts us into a little predicament, don't it?" Tubbo sighed.

We both walked out of the building, waving out to Minx.

"Well then I get to be your tour guide." He put his hands on his hips proudly. "Alright then Mr. Tour guide. Where we off to?" I said, walking to the front seat of my car.

"Ah-ah-ah. I'm the tour guide. I drive."

"Do you even know how to drive?"

"How dare you assume that I don't!?" He said, fake-offense littered in his voice.

"I just assumed you couldn't reach the pedals."

That earned me a harsh smack on my arm. "Oh, screw you American!" He yelled.

"Just put where we're gonna go into the GPS and I'll drive us there."

He grumbled, and seemed to mock me before connecting his phone to my car and putting in his desired location.


"Yes sir, Mr. Tour guide."

The automatic voice began directing me as I drove out of the parking lot.

"Now if you look to your right, you'll see trees, something not common in the land of the hamburger." He pointed out, in a fake angry tone.

"You're not very good at this."

"Shut up RANBUS!"

I followed the instructions for a few minutes (Tubbo pointing out anything his eyes can see. "Trash can", "bird", "grass", "ew are they making out!?", "BEES!", "rock... another rock.. and another.. this place is very rocky") until the electronic voice blurted out: "your destination is on the right."

I pulled up into a plaza parking lot. I looked at Tubbo, making sure we were in the right place. "Your tour takes it first stop now!"

He hurried himself out of the car. I watched him confused, until his swung my car door open.

I burst out into laughter, before he shoved me out of the car. "Yeah, yeah, now hurry!"

I grabbed my satchel and stood behind Tubbo, waiting for him to lead the way.

We walked to the front of a cafe and I opened the door. Tubbo walked in and I followed from behind.

"Welcome to the first stop: my favorite cafe. Or as the commoners call it: the DiamondHalo cafe. I already know what I'm getting so you should take a look at the menu. They're mostly known for there muffins by the way. There really good."

I nodded and looked straight at the menu. (Most people would have to look up to see it)

I scanned the menu before figuring out what I wanted. "Ready to order big man?" Tubbo asked. I hummed in response.

"Alright." Tubbo walked to the line, that was currently empty.

There was a short male with brown hair and blue eyes behind the counter. He was scrolling through his phone.

"Welcome to the DiamondHalo cafe. What can I get for you?" He said, putting down his phone.

"Oh hey Tubbo." The cashier said, his eyes slightly widening, but then going back to normal size.

"Hey Ant."

'Ant' hummed. "Well what can I do for you two?"

"I'll have the usual if that's alright."

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