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I watched as Tommy dashed out to every puddle he saw being created. Tubbo and I had our hoodies on, but Tommy left his head free.

"Boys! Have a drink." He said, sticking his tongue out, trying his best to drink the rain.

Tubbo laughed and catches up behind him. He smacked him on the head. Tommy screamed, yanking the hoodie off of Tubbo's head. That crated a very intense hoodie-sleeve fight.

Tommy ran over to me, yanking my hoodie off.

"Hey!" I yelled shoving him. Tommy was in a pit of laughter, falling onto Tubbo. Tubbo pushed him up, which hit me.

It was a game of 'who can shove each other the most' which ended like a domino affect of Tommy onto Tubbo onto me. I stood Tubbo straight.

Tommy laughed, pointing at me and Tubbo. Our hair was glued to our faces, partially blinding the both of us.

"Come on, the ice cream place is over there!" Tommy pointed to the other side of the street. Tommy rushed his way towards it, followed by Tubbo.

I ran after them. Tommy opened the door for the both of us, a bell ringing.

The place was empty, aside from a worker of course. The place closed in thirty minutes, which makes sense.

We walked to the cashier. "What would you like to order?" She asks.

"I'll have a vanilla cone with sprinkles." Tommy said.

"I'll have a chocolate in a cup please." Tubbo put his order in. She looked at me.

"That'll be it thank you." I said.

"That'll be four fifty-eight."She stated.

I handed her a five.

After, I walked towards a booth near a window. Tubbo had sat next to me and Tommy sat in front of us.

"Didn't want anything?" Tommy asks.

I pointed to the mask. Tommy let out a small 'oh.'

"If you.. don't mind me asking. What's with mask?" Tommy asks.

I sucked in some air. "It's uh.."

"It's fine if you don't want to answer. Just curious, no pressure."

"No,no it's nothing. It's just uh..I have facial dysmorphia." I stated.

Tommy tilted his head slightly. "It's kind of like a big insecurity, but not at the same time. When I-I look at myself in the mirror I see this kind of warped version of myself." I say.

Tommy nodded slowly, and Tubbo shifted next to me.

"Sorry, did I bring the mood down?"

"No, you're fine. Thanks uh- for telling me. We can keep that in mind." Tommy said.

Just then, the lady walked to our table with the ice cream. Tubbo played with the spoon before taking a bite.

"So, does your family see your face?" Tommy asks.

"Well yeah. Or, sometimes. Sometimes I'll leave it on, just because I forgot to take it off or I just really don't feel like taking it off." I said.

Tommy hummed. "Aside from them, and two of my old friends, I haven't taken my mask off in front of anyone else." I said, sighing.

"Oh yeah, we never asked about your life before? How was it like in America?" Tubbo asked.

"Well not as rainy as this." I pointed out. The rain answered with a loud bang. I shuddered.

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