chapter nine

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"stop, you're drunk van, you aren't even serious and aren't sobered up." Hearth said coldly to van as she put his hand away and looked to the side.

"I am serious, ive liked you for a long time"  van said as he looked at van with hearts in his eyes.

"I- i like you too van, pero ill believe you if you said that again pag sober kana" hearth said and looked at van again.

"Then lets enjoy this time" van said to hearth which made heartg confused.

Van pinned hearth to the wall and kissed her and hearth kissed him back without hesitation.
As van and hearth's lips touch, they felt like they were in heaven to be doing this and finding out that they like each other too.

Hearth wanted to break the kiss but van didn't want to.

Hearth tried pushing van but van was stronger than her and couldn't do anything.

A few minutes later.

Van broke the kiss and both of them was ran out of breath and their breathing was heavy as if they ran a marathon.

"What the actual heck van" hearth said as she was panting.

"What? You enjoyed it and so did i" van said as he was looking for air to breath.

"But that was my first kiss!" Hearth said and grabbed two bottles of water for both of them.

"Me too." Van said as he drank the water hearth brought.

Hearth almost choked while drinking when she heard those words.

"How come, i mean, you're popular eh" hearth said.

"Im not really interested in girls, until i met you." Van said and smirked.

"That means you're mine now right?" Van added and grabbed hearth by her waist and hugged her.

"You're not even sobered up, lets talk about this in the morning nalang" hearth said and van just nodded as she broke the hug between them.


"I wanna sleep beside you ngaaaa" van said acting like a todler who gives tantrums

"You cant nga diba, you should sleep nga dun sa salas" hearth said and chuckled.

"Eh?! Pano naman cuddles naten?" Van said convincing hearth to sleep with him.

"I'll give cuddles and kisses in the morning if you sleep there for now, then the next night, we'll sleep together, hm?" Hearth said as van gave up and gave her a sigh.

"Good night now, my pretty lalove mwa" van said as he sent flying kiss tk hearth and walked out the door to sleep in the couch.

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