The Doll

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There was a little girl named Emily who loved dolls. She collected them from all over the world and they filled her room. One day, her parents brought home a new doll they found at a garage sale. It was a porcelain doll with red hair and blue eyes. Emily was thrilled and placed the new doll in her collection.

As soon as the doll arrived in her room, strange things began to happen. Emily felt like someone was watching her. She heard whispers and footsteps in the middle of the night. Every time she woke up, the doll's eyes seemed to follow her.

One night, Emily woke up to find the doll sitting at her bedside, staring at her with its cold, lifeless eyes. Emily screamed and ran out of her room. Her parents tried to calm her down, but she refused to go back into her room.

The next day, Emily's parents decided to get rid of the doll. But they couldn't find it anywhere. They searched the entire house and even went through the garbage, but the doll was nowhere to be found.

A few days later, strange things began to happen again. The same whispers and footsteps could be heard in the middle of the night. Emily's parents began to hear them too. Objects began to move on their own and doors would open and close by themselves.

One day, Emily's parents decided to investigate. They followed the ghostly sounds to Emily's room and found the doll sitting in the center of the room. As soon as they saw the doll, it began to move on its own, its head turning to face them. Emily's parents tried to run, but the door slammed shut, trapping them inside.

From that day on, the doll was never seen again, but every night the whispers and footsteps could still be heard. Emily's family moved away, hoping to escape from the horrifying spirit that haunted their doll. But they could never forget the terrified feeling they experienced in their old house. It seemed that the haunted doll was still out there, waiting for its next victim.

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